Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Huge Trapezius Muscles are Easy When You Know What To Do

By Klint Newton

There are many exercises that can be done to target the "traps" or Trapezius muscles. So many times people get stuck on one tired method and use it over and over. There are many weight trainers that think the only way to work their traps is to use an unreasonable amount of weight, which results in ineffective training.

So I asked him why he was doing what he was doing. He said, "Traps are where it's at!" I tend to agree with him.

The "traps" or Trapezius muscles are above your collar bone on top of your shoulders and extend from your neck to the tip of your shoulders.

Your traps are not just used to lift things, they are a means of communication, they send a message. They are what send the signal that you are truly serious about weight training. Big traps can be an awe inspiring sight, they can also be downright scary. They set the men apart from the boys, or more importantly, the fitness models apart from the body builders. What kind of message are your traps sending?

Trap Exercises

Most people associate building big traps with "Shrugs." The shrug is a good exercise for trap development, but it's not the only one. The shrug has been around for years and is a staple for building traps just as the bench press is for the chest. I can't deny that the shrug hits the traps well, but I would like to assert to you that there are others moves that can be effective in developing the coveted traps. Below is an effective trap building routine that will deliver excellent results.

1. Shrugs 3 sets X 10 - 12 reps

These had to be included, they are the key to a successful trap training. Now I know we have all done shrugs before, but I would like to included a few tips. Now I know that when I use the standard shrug form and fully contract my traps, they end up hitting my neck resulting in a limited contraction. If you push your head as far forwardas possible, it will remove your neck from the range of motion and allow your traps to fully contract. Once you have flexed your traps, hold the position for two seconds and slowly release. It is also good to sit on a bench to avoid cheating.

2. Lateral Raises, with Traps Flared 3 X 12 - 15

This can be a much harder move than the shrug. The first thing you want to do is flare your traps with the dumbbells in your hands. Next you will perform a lateral raise. This is just like a lateral raise done for shoulders, but with your traps flared, most of the pressure is put on your traps. You will want to start with 12 to 15 reps and not very much weight to maintain proper form and get used to the movement.

3. Bent over lateral raises, with Traps Flared 3 X 10 - 12

The bent over lateral raise is just like the last move but obviously bent over. This is good for hitting the back of your traps which helps you look more built, defined and strong from behind. You will want to bend at the waist at about a 45 degree angle.

These are two unpopular exercises that will really improve your trap building results. You can just add the exercises into any workout, they would be perfect if you do a split and have a "shoulders day."

Throw these exercises into the mix and watch your results go through the roof! - 17268

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