Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, November 6, 2009

Some Six Pack Exercises To Get You Started

By Jace P. Andersen

It seems recently that the nation as a whole has decided to take a stand against obesity. Now, everything you get talks less about taste and more about calorie count, it's nutrients, and natural origins. Everywhere you look there is a new ab machine or super supplement all the celebrities are using to keep their bodies looking great. Here are some of the most common six pack exercises out there.

Now I could put any promotional ad I wanted to right here in hopes to tell you about the next big 2-week fad that will get you looking like the celebrities on TV. But real results come from real work and that's what you are going to learn about. So if you want real results, read on.

Crunches - The natural place to begin in regards to a tighter tummy is a standard crunch. To execute this go to maneuver, you begin lying on your back with your knees up. Then you raise your shoulders off the floor and move towards your knees until you feel your abs react.

Knee Up Crunches - You take a standard crunch position and make the reps harder by drawing your knees towards your chest as you lift your upper body off the floor. This does not only impact your stomach and abs more, it is not as easy for everyone to do, which allows you to challenge yourself when you are in a few series of normal crunches.

Sit Ups - Bear in mind that you don't need crazy new workout positions to get real results either. Many a tight stomach was brought to you courtesy of the time honored sit up. This is often overlooked when compared to a crunch because it, unlike crunches, heavily relies on the individual's momentum. This adds to the already strenuous atmosphere of exercising and is often left out. I assure you, though, this should stay in your routine and you'll thank me later.

Jackknife Sit Ups - You might be thinking that sit ups simply don't present the challenge you want for your road to the better you. A variation of the classic sit up you might consider is the jackknife sit up. While normal sit ups look like crunches in the start position, jackknife sit ups begin with the person lying completely flat on their back on the floor. Then, simultaneously, you must raise your legs and your upper body so that your face would meet your knees. Then return to the start position. A solid addition for anyone thinking their workout is getting stale.

Push Ups - Without someone putting in the time to determine what common exercises affect what muscle groups, I might never have known myself that push ups can be a very important part to balanced muscle production in your abdomen. This piece to your workout consists of supporting yourself by your arms and using your toes to balance yourself. Lower yourself towards the floor and then back to the fully extended arm position to complete one rep.

I have presented you with a few different workout additions or staples you can use to get the abs you have been craving. Since none of these require any purchased equipment, you can begin right away and start sculpting your six-pack. - 17268

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