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Friday, November 6, 2009

Do Acai Berry Weight Loss Products Really Work?

By Theresa Trackers

Everywhere you turn, there seems to be another advertisement for acai berry weight loss products. But do these products really help you lose weight? How can a berry really have such amazing effects?

Basically, the acai berry seems to improve the ability to digest and metabolize food. By improving this particular body function, greater weight loss can occur. And the reason this berry is so effective is that there are several factors working together to create this result.

Many people have weight problems because they are not able to digest their food well. They are not metabolizing optimally and not assimilating nutrients from their diet. Acai berries contain a combination of substances which work in tandem to improve the ability to process food. In fact, one of the traditional uses for this berry by the natives of Brazil where most acai berries come from is as a remedy for digestive problems.

Fiber is one of the substances that aids in this process. Most fruits have a high percentage of simple sugar. This makes the blood sugar rise quickly, and the body will turn that sugar into fat. Fiber, on the other hand, helps to inhibit the rising of blood sugar. It also helps to keep cravings down and to eliminate wastes from the body.

Another way in which acai berries differ from other fruits is the high amount of fats. These are healthy Omega fats which not only help to suppress the appetite but also work in the liver to get your metabolism going.

In addition to fiber and healthy fats, acai berries contain amino acids which are the building blocks of protein. Amino acids help the body create muscle, which helps the body to burn more calories and raises the rate of metabolism. In combination with the Omega fatty acids, they also help your body to burn fat more efficiently.

Almost everyone by now has heard of acai berries and their high levels of antioxidants. These are considered to help fight the effects of stress and age on the body. But they also seem to help increase energy and stamina. This may help someone starting a diet to keep from getting tired as so often seems to happen. Many sports professionals in Brazil are so convinced of these effects, they often eat acai berries or consume acai berry products to play at peak performance.

Take a look at what other ingredients, if any, are added to the various acai berry weight loss products if you want to purchase them. Some companies add substances that also increase metabolism, such as guarana and caffeine. This is important if you are sensitive to such ingredients although they certainly can increase your metabolic rate.

Undoubtedly, more research will continue to be done on the ability of acai berries to help in weight loss. In the meantime, there seem to be an infinite number of people stating that they have had incredible results from using acai berry weight loss products. And, at the very least, consuming acai berries is unlikely to have adverse effects.

All in all, it would seem that with all these properties, acai berries may indeed be able to help get a weight loss program under way. And, as with all such programs, including exercise and a sensible diet will increase your results and ensure that you achieve your weight loss in the healthiest way. - 17268

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