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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tone Abs Can Keep You Healthy

By Jace P. Andersen

Obsession with tone abs is normal nowadays. On a muscular or slim body they look amazing. We decide if someone looks to be in good shape based on their tone abs. However, tone abs are more than just good looking. They are the picture of a healthy body.

The abdominal muscles are a very important muscle group in the body. They are our midsection that protects our internal organs. Whereas our heart and lungs have a ribcage to protect it, our intestines rely on our abs. These muscles must stay strong as they are a main defense for our body. They hold our body together. Making sure your abs are tone is a great way to stay in shape overall.

The abdominal muscles are extremely important to our posture. They help us stand up straight. When are abs are not strong we tend to slouch. We then rely on other muscles to hold our body upright. These other muscles (such as our lower back) were not meant to do our abs job.

A good abdominal workout can often help with lower back pain. Because weak abs tend to get help from other muscles, making them stronger prevents that. When abs are stronger they no longer depend on other muscles. Building stronger abdominal muscles and using them instead of the back muscles can prevent lower back pain.

However, before you begin to exercise those abs, make sure you are doing it right. Abdominal exercises done wrong will only put strain on the wrong muscles. A good abdominal exercise will work the abs and nothing else. Attention must be paid that abdominal exercises are being done correctly.

The importance of balance is often overlooked. Gymnasts and acrobats rely on balance to do physically demanding tasks. Balance also prevents injury and helps the body work better. A balanced body works together and each muscle group does its correct job. The abdominal muscles are extremely important to making sure the body has good balance.

One of the obvious benefits of good balance is the prevention of injury. People with poor balance are likely to have falls and trouble walking. Standing on one leg requires strong abs. Try doing that with using your abdominal muscles. For me, that would be reason enough to strengthen them!

Balance exercises are often overlooked when searching for abs workouts. These type of exercises improve balance by toning the abs. Using a balance ball is a common way of improving balance while toning the abs. Yoga is also a popular workout that uses the abs to improve balance. Adding these balance exercise programs to your workout will help tone your abs.

Tone abs can keep you healthy. They help you stand up straight and build a beautiful posture. Strong abdominal muscles protect our vital organs similar to how bones protect our lungs. Tone abdominal muscles are the foundation of professional athletes providing their bodies balance. Everyone knows tone abs look good on you. Now it should be clear that tone abs are also good for you. - 17268

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