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Sunday, November 1, 2009

What You Should Know About Dual Colon Cleanse

By Jared Rite

Research shows that most of the common health conditions known to man has come from toxins in the body which has not been properly flushed out in the course of one's regular bowel movements. This is why colon cleansing or detoxifying has become a popular trend. To be able to fully expel these toxins in the system, most physicians (holistic and not) advise a Dual Colon Cleanse.

The digestive tract is similar to that of the tires in one's bike; when it has been exposed in different terrains and the dirt has stuck in the thread, simple flushing with a hose would not be able to clean it all; and at times the dirt in the crevices will stay there for long periods of time. This is the same case with the digestive system, even if one uses natural fiber to clean out their system, there will always be some areas which will be left unclean. Especially in this time where processed food made from a number of ingredients one barely notices to have a negative effect in the colon. Which is why it calls for a more potent and effective treatment such as a Dual Colon Cleanse.

Contrary to popular belief that the Dual Colon Cleanse procedure is only done in clinics by doctors, one can efficiently accomplish this at home. Salt water flushing has been found to be the most popular procedure for the Dual Colon Cleanse treatment. Sea salt is used to achieve the goal of this procedure; though one must make sure that they are indeed using sea salt and not just the regular salt as the effect may be different as it is expected.

Cleaning is always a messy process; though some may find colon cleansing to be a rather dirty task, it's all in the mind. One must be able to prepare for the ordeal and anticipate every aspect of the procedure. The mere fact that the procedure will be done within the comforts of one's own home should be able to give one the peace of mind to go through with the Dual Colon Cleanse procedure. The evening before the system is done; one should take in a light dinner and rest for the evening for at least 6 hours. The morning after, one must not take breakfast and instead drink the salt solution. For about an hour or two, one can still go about their morning routine and in a few moments, they will feel the urge to relieve themselves. Several bowel movements are to be expected which is why it is best advised to have this scheduled and done on a free day.

Among the expected results form a successful colon cleansing are weight loss, better mood and concentration, greater skin, nails and hair. One will have a better level of absorption of nutrients and can expect to have some weight loss as mounds of waste will be eradicated from the system.

A regular Dual Colon Cleanse procedure should be observed to be able to keep the digestive system healthy and clean. Though, salt flushing is safe and effective, it should be done with proper caution. It is called flushing as it flushes out everything it can all including some of the good bacteria in the system. To be able to replace these good bacteria, one must drink or eat foods which is high in Probiotics. - 17268

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