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Friday, December 4, 2009

Bodybuilding Tips, Stay Motivated And You Will Succeed!

By Ricardo d Argence

Success in the world of fitness is resultant of a variety of many different factors all of which depend on specific individuals. Each and every person will need to possess their own methods for focusing on their goals and that is fine. Some methods are consistently helpful from individual to individual. Following the basics of these concepts will definitely prove helpful to those that understand them. Here is a look at some of the top methods that will yield success.

1. Self-Efficacy. This has been shown to be one of the most important factors contributing to success in a workout program. Self-efficacy can be defined as your personal belief that you are in fact capable of performing the behavior or achieving your goal.

2. Family & Friend Support. Taking up a new exercise regime will require many changes in your daily schedule. You may have to give up some of the responsibilities you previously held in order to find the time to commit to exercising. With a supportive family and friend network, this task will be much easier.

Maybe your husband or wife will take over the role of cooking meals on certain nights of the week so you can stop at the gym on the way home from work, or a friend might be willing to give up your weekly night at the movies for a session of yoga class instead.

3. A Positive Attitude. Having a positive attitude about your workout program will go along way to helping you stay motivated and committed. When you have positive thoughts regarding exercise, it makes it seem like less of a chore and more of an enjoyable experience to you. If you remain positive at all times you will be able to stay focused and look at how far you have come.

4. An Action Plan. An action plan remains one of the most important aspects of any workout program or goal. An effective action plan aids in delivering results. It is as simple as that. You need a means of reaching your goals and do so and without any detailed account on how to actually achieve the plan, you will discover your goals next to impossible to meet. That is just the way things go!

5. Intrinsic Motivation. Intrinsic motivation on the other hand is the type where you are performing the action based strictly on the fact that you love doing it and find a personal satisfaction from doing it. This is more common among athletes (those who are more at the beginner levels and are not playing to win prize money or titles), and those who take up a hobby that they tend to loose themselves in.

6. A Role Model. Role models can be very important tools in any type of goal program. By having someone who you look up to, whether it is for their values, their hard work, or how they look, you will be providing yourself with a measure on which to measure yourself with.

7. Knowledge. A strong knowledge base is often the only means in which you can properly succeed with any type of workout program. Those that lack clear information on the subject of fitness and weight training will need to look towards professionals with a clear understanding of how such goals can be achieved. They can help you a lot in this process. Those that are self-motivated will look towards reading material, audio sources, and DVDs to increase their knowledge base. Exploring such research sources will definitely lead to great help in achieving such goals.

By taking the time to ensure you include each of these factors into your life before you start an exercise program, you will help to ensure you encounter nothing but success. You will also make yourself less stressed out about the lifestyle changes you are making and everything will run much more smoothly. - 17268

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