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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

5 Tips on How to Lose Weight For Your Wedding - Don't Be a Chunky Bride!

By Xaylih Jaryn

Your wedding day is almost around the corner. The reception hall and DJ have been selected. You have hired the best photographer in the whole city. Magazines are scattered about with pages torn out with your favorite wedding dresses. You look again and realize all the dress models are skinny. You look in the mirror and back at a picture of a skinny bride. You desire to be in perfect shape for your wedding. The desire to lose weight is now a need, not a want. Use these 5 strategies to help start you on your way to looking amazing for your wedding day.

1. Get a lot of rest, eat healthy and exercise - this will ensure you look and feel great on your big day

2. Avoid falling for any fad diets - waste of time and money; they just don't work. Put in time and do your research about any diet or product before attempting to try it.

3. Plan early and start your weight loss regimen months before your wedding - it takes time to get adjusted to your new diet, sleep cycle, etc. Getting in shape is a lifestyle change, not just a matter of a few simple steps.

4. Plenty of water - helps you avoid soda calories, cleanses you body of impurities and keeps your energy level high; helps your skin look it's best too. Stay hydrated before and during your wedding.

5. Keep your stress level low - plan early with defined goals, less stress equals less calories eaten and a thinner you on that big day

There you go. Use these strategies as your guide to get in perfect shape for your wedding day and stay healthy for life. - 17268

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