Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Approved HCG Diet Proteins

By Amelia Handley

Undertaking a very low calorie diet is a necessary part of any HCG weight loss program. Many prospective dieters aren't sure of exactly what they're getting into when they start the diet. They can't quite comprehend exactly how limited their daily intake is going to be when they cut back to 500 calories per day. It's a concept that quickly becomes very clear. The foods that are approved on the diet very immediately become very important for success on the weight loss program.

500 calories per day is not a lot. It's a tough limit to stick to; no one would argue that. When you consider that those 500 calories consist of exactly 2 each of the approved food categories: fruit, veggie, protein and starch it becomes even more obvious what's the most important. The protein is the item that is going to provide dieters with the best opportunity to feel satisfied on the diet. So taking care to follow the rules regarding protein is especially important.

The weight loss formula that is used while on a homeopathic HCG diet is what makes it possible to stick to the very low calorie limitations. It's amazing. It takes away (or drastically decreases) the hunger pains while on the diet. But taking care with the proteins allowed on the diet will go a long way toward keeping the dieter satisfied; as will the approved tools and supplements that aid dieters along the way. There are plenty of tips and suggestions that should be taken seriously when undertaking a diet this serious.

One of the best tips is regarding proteins. You should always eat two different types of protein per day. This means that you should never have the same protein for dinner that you had for lunch. If you have fish for lunch. Have chicken or beef for dinner.

Another fantastic tip (that should be obvious, but often isn't) is to stick to the list of approve proteins while on the diet. Do not venture off the list out of boredom or because you think you know better. The list is quite specific. Stick to the specified types of protein and the specified cuts. Venturing off the list will decrease the probability for success.

A lot of dieters moan and complain that they don't get to eat a lot of different foods while on the diet. And they're right. A very low calorie diet means there isn't a lot of room for variance. When you pair that with the restrictions of the homeopathic HCG diet you get a whole lot of "same" when it comes to what you eat on a day to day basis. But does it matter? You're going to lose an average of 1 to 2 pounds per day while on the diet. If you don't think that's worth limiting your food intake...maybe the diet's not for you! - 17268

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