Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Fat Burning and Muscle Building Cardio

By Caleb Lee

Exercise is vital to building muscle and also will help in loosing fat; however, you need to dig into those fat burning muscle building foods as well.

The question is what is a fat burning muscle building food and will they break the piggy bank?

These foods are not expensive. You can even choose to grow them yourself in a garden. Yup, all they are are fruits and vegetables.

Let's start with fruits. Fruits, like lemons, limes, apples, blueberries, and watermelons are the best example of fruits that will help you lose weight. They contain large amounts of Vitamin C and low calories, which will help in burning fat without adding more into your body with high calorie count. They also are very acidic, which will help you to break down some of the harder fats, while also helping your digestive system break down other foods. Vegetables are the other fat burners, like cabbage, zucchini, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, and asparagus.

So, one may ask, what property do these foods have that make them fat burning muscle building foods. They key is cellulose, which is low in calories, but when they are broken down and digested, they act as fat burners, along with Vitamin C.

By eating these, you might feel less energetic; however, your body will soon learn that it must resort to another source. It will then turn to the stored fat. Stored fat is the fat that is not fast burning and hard to lose. Your body will use this and any other fat to compensate for the calorie loss, and help regain your energy.

Although your main goal was to lose fat and gain muscle, you can also be satisfied to know you are helping out your internal body as well. Interval training helps the heart flush the bad toxins and replenish the blood with high amounts of oxygen. It also helps loosen and strength joints.

Add interval training to your workout and diet to produce even better fat burning and muscle building results, only working out around 10-15 minutes longer. - 17268

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