Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, December 12, 2008

Find Out Why The Most Popular Diet Plans Aren't The Best Plans!

By Jessica A. Andersen

It is nearly impossible to flip on the television today and not see an advertisement of one kind or another for a weight loss plan. If all these plans worked are there so many? the best that I can give you in order to pick the best diet is right for you is to know how your body works. Directly below I've outlined some of the most popular weight-loss programs available online and below I have provided links to highly successful ones you had never heard of.

1. Jenny Craig. This diet needs no introduction its spokespeople Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli are all over the media. We've seen Kirstie Alley shrink from a behemoth to merely a very large woman. And Valerie Bertinelli has made a remarkable transformation. This plan has one big drawback. It is extremely expensive. The mAonthly fee while only $20 does not hint at or reveal that the actual cost is much more. The food is great but expensive. On the plus side the plan matches you with counselor with whom you can speak about your progress or lack thereof when you go in for weigh ins.

2. Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers has by and far been the most successful plan on the market for some time. No food is off limits. The POINTS system allows you to eat whatever you want as long as you don't exceed the daily point value for your weight group. The literature and meetings teach members how to make better food choices so they can eat more and not feel hungry. Exercise is encouraged but it is not necessary for the program to work. Still, exercise is a vital part of our total health and you should consider adding it to any diet you partake in.

3. South Beach. This diet gets a lot of attention because of its advertisement that you will lose up to 13 pounds in the first two weeks. This is done by eating a very restricted diet. In fact the first two weeks are the most restrictive. The basis of the plan, reprogramming the Body to burn calories more efficiently. The foods that are initially restricted are slowly added over time to balance out the diet. The diet really picked up momentum due to the fact that many different providers make frozen meals, bars, and breakfast cereal sold thousands of popular grocery stores.

4. NutriSystem. This diet program is based on the glycemic index for rating carbohydrates. A carbohydrate that is low on the glycemic index is one that will release its energy slowly throughout the day so that sugar levels in the blood are stable, reducing hunger. High glycemic index foods are metabolized quickly and give you a burst of energy but makes you crash not long afterwards. The meals are already portioned out to avoid counting calories, fats, and carbs.

So how you you choose the right diet for you? All of them are promising and will work. Let me help you. Visit my site now, learn more about these diets and I'll show you how to choose the correct one for you. Visit my site today. When you visit today and sign up for my newsletter you'll receive free diet software. Click on the links below now! - 17268

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