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Friday, December 12, 2008

What are the Best Natural Cures For Thyroid Problems

By Terry Bassett

Thyroid health is a concern for nearly 11,000,000 Americans. When the thyroid is healthy, then your overall body is likely healthy as the thyroid is responsible for maintaining your metabolism, weight, and cholesterol levels. It does this by producing thyroid hormone which regulates the various needs of your body. Many people fail to realize the thyroid's major role in maintaining their overall health and how easily this can be accomplished with natural cures for thyroid problems.

So, what is a thyroid and what are the natural cures for thyroid problems? To start, the thyroid is a gland that's part of the endocrine system. It is responsible for regulating several body functions such as blood pressure, heart rate (or pulse), body temperature (or basal temperture - sometimes called core temperature), and converting food into energy (metabolism). Hormones produced by the thyroid have an essential role in the function of every cell in the body. These hormones are responsible for the regulation of growth and metabolism in the body of both adults and children. Insufficient thyroid hormone can have devastating, life-long effects on children.

Natural cures for thyroid problems are ways to combat hypothyroidism and commonly take the form of supplements. These supplements can be whole-natural (meaning they're from the earth with all-natural ingredients) or synthetic (meaning they're man-made in a laboratory). For most thyroid sufferers, it's better to use whole-natural cures for thyroid problems for several reasons.

First, synthetic supplements typically only have one of the necessary thyroid hormones (typically T3 or T4). Whole-natural supplements will have a broader range (as much as T1, T2, T3, and T4).

Second, synthetic supplements have inconsistencies in their dosage because they're man-made. Natural supplements have a consistent dosage because they're made by Mother Nature herself.

And finally, when all costs for a synthetic are factored in (drive to the doctor, office co-pay, prescription co-pay, insurance deductable, etc), natural cures for thyroid problems cost less.

Benefits of natural cures for thyroid problems:

* Natural supplements have more of necessary thyroid hormones.

* Natural supplements have more consistent dosages.

* Natural supplements have an overall lower cost. - 17268

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