Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, December 22, 2008

Healthy Eating Designed for Children

By Michael Byrd

Healthy eating designed for children sometimes does not hit the target.

Resorting to bribery, threats or manipulation can be done by parents just to persuade their child to eat healthy food. But there is an easier way to do this and parents would not need to employ such dirty tactics on children.

There are seven instant tips to help you attain success with healthy eating.

1. Start the ball rolling while they are young. The younger they are, the easier it can be. Do not wait for the time when their taste buds get ruined by sweet treats. By this time, it can be harder to convince them to eat Brussels sprouts and broccoli. If you failed to do it while they were much younger, you can use tip # 4 ? be tough ? and prepare for a negative reaction that you may get from your kids.

2. Have a supply of healthy foods inside your home. This can remove their fondness on one food or food group. It can be OK for them to have their favorite food, but offering them alternatives does help in orienting them with different food tastes. Unhealthy foods are of course out of the picture. This means no junk food should be allowed. It may only spell trouble in the long run.

3. Bring together the foods that they like with the food they despise. Do it like this: stir fry onions with zucchini, broccoli, carrots and snow peas instead of having them eat only a platter of steamed broccoli. Cutting the veggies into small pieces will assure you that they get some carrots with the zucchini.

4. Be fervent! If you cannot impose firm-love, your plan will fail. You will need to inform your child that this is what you cooked for dinner and that is it. There is no other available food. If you only have healthy food in your home, it can work. Since there are no other options and they get hungry, they have no other choice but to eat what you served.

5. Do not permit your kid to go near people who will sabotage your plan. Some people just seem to find contentment over the fact that they can offer your kid sweet treats. And yes, even your doctors and dentists do this. What you can do is to teach your child to say "No thank you". If a close relative is doing the same thing, you may threaten them you will stop visiting if they won't stop.

6. Restrict your child from watching TV commercials. Yes, commercials. These commercials are the source for nutritional education of 95% of the populace. Whenever children watch kiddie shows, they get to see junk foods being advertised as delicious food to eat and it can affect their craving for the right food.

7. Be a good model. This is apparently the most important tip. Do not expect your child to give up on candy and ice cream if you can't do it yourself. Convince them to eat fish, vegetables and whole grains by showing them that you are eating it as well. At an early age, you will be their role model, so might as well be a good one.

If you have not been a good role model, then you have no right to get angry over the poor eating habits of your child, obesity, ADHD and you will often be absent from work when they get sick.

Get into healthy eating and learn to love yourself more! - 17268

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