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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Best Hollywood Celebrity Diets For Rapid Weight Loss

By Christine G. Shannon

Isn't amazing how all of the celebrities you see have a celebrity diet plan for weight loss to maintain their weight. Some of them are shapely and healthy looking, and look good on camera. Others look like they haven't eaten in weeks, like they just got back from the famine in Ethiopia for a few weeks. Like they had been starving themselves to lose weight, and that is probably what they have been doing.

There are always stories of celebrity weight loss in the newspapers and in magazines. Celebrities also come up with fictional diets to explain how they shifted the weight, whereas in reality they just starved themselves, not only of food but of the essential foods and fluids necessary for the body to properly function.

Losing a lot of weight in a short period of time might be normal for somebody who is very overweight because they are carrying a lot of stored fat around with them. On the other hand, for somebody who is just one or two dress sizes over their preferred weight, losing so much weight in so little time is very unhealthy and can lead to serious health problems. Successful dieting takes time and you are not going to go from overweight to slim overnight. You did not gain all that weight overnight so you will not shift it in such a short time frame either.

Without a maintenance diet program, to keep your weight stabilized after a large weight loss, you will put the weight back on. Dieting involves self-discipline and willpower in addition to knowing what foods to eat and when. Many of the celebrity diets are actually starvation type diets that are not healthy or worth risking other side effects.

Hollywood diet juice is an example of a celebrity diet program and this diet means you only drink the juice. You do not eat or drink anything else. This is a type of starvation and is an incredibly boring diet. Once you stop drinking the juice, all the weight you lost will come back. It makes no sense to drink a juice and then stop drinking it and return to being overweight.

Like a lot of famous diets in Hollywood, if your body thinks you are starving, it is going to hold on to every calorie you take in to keep you from starving to death instead of burning them for energy. When you follow a properly balanced weight loss diet, your metabolism will hardly notice the decrease in calories and continue to burn fat it doesn't need to store. This is a more long-term weight loss strategy.

Celebrities do not have secrets about dieting. They are normal people like the rest of us but, unlike most of us, they have people working for them such as diet advisors and personal trainers.

Celebrity diets involve a level of commitment and dedication which we struggle with. The best celebrity diets involve eating sensibly and limiting our calorie intake. One great diet which has been proven to work for many people is Fat Loss 4 Idiots at the link below. This is an easy to follow diet which might just work for you. - 17268

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