Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, December 18, 2008

How To Achieve All Your Goals In 3 Simple Steps

By Caleb Lee

Did you know that the day after labor day and January 2 are two of the most significant days of the year where people set goals?

It's true.

In fact, around this time of year you're probably going to start thinking about how you want your life to be like when January comes around. You might start setting some goals. You may want to build muscle lose weight or get stronger. Doesn't matter what you're goal is really

I'm gonna share with you 3 simple steps in order for you to attain all your fitness goals:

Step #1: A Clear Vision Of Your Goal

This is basically visualizing what you want your life to be like as soon as you reach your goal. Create a vision of yourself reaching your goal and living it and make it as clear as possible in your mind. For a good book on how to get this done you have to look into Maxwell Maltz's New Psycho-Cybernetics.

Next you are to stay hopeful, whatever happens, and HAVE CONFIDENCE that you will reach your goal(s).

Here's a quick visualization tip. I'll use the example of wanting to get stronger and lifting more weight for your next exercise routine

1. Take a deep breath, loosen up and close your eyes

2. Think about the last time you successfully lifted a weight

3. Feel all the emotions - the pride, the accomplishment, the satisfaction

4. When you're doing this right you will be smiling at your achievement

5. Imagine yourself carrying out your subsequent lift with success and FEEL those same emotions

6. Go perform your lift!

The athletic professionals picture this technique for success. Likewise you can make use of the similar process on almost any goal: growing stronger, going on a diet, giving up smoking, making money, whatsoever...

Step #2 - A Plan To Succeed

When you have a vibrant imagination of what you want to accomplish, you need a plan in order to make it. And it's as effortless as recalling the objective while following the plan. As George Foreman said regarding success it comes down to "Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan".

It worked for Georgey and I'm betting it will work for you too.

Step #3: People To Keep You Accountable

This is regularly a disregarded step. You surely need some people in your life to keep you in charge. I hear as far as diets go that Weight Watchers is most useful at getting people to go on a diet because every week you have to update a different person how much weight you've lost. And if you don't well you don't want to be the guy who didn't lose weight right? - 17268

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