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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Restore Your Body after New Years Eve Party Night

By Lidia Peru

New Years Eve is one party night of the year. Many consume a lot of alcohol on this national holiday. Do we think of how we will feel the day after?

If youve been out partying you likely know how it feels to be hung over. Consuming alcohol is hard on our digestive tract, and consuming too often makes it hard for your body to recouperate. You get empty calories that burn those nutrients you need for healthy body function.

There are many things you can do to restore your health and wellness. Am I talking about a nutritional drink? Yes, but not those really expensive ones that are so popular these days. What about a nutritional pH rebalancing drink that costs pennies per serving? I found it in Kombucha Tea.

What do you get with Kombucha? Enzymes, carbonic acid, acetic acid, folic acid, usnic acid, glucuronic acid, and gluconic acid. You also get a dose of vitamins B1, B2, B3 (niacin), B6, and the all-important B12. You get a little vitamin C in there as well, in the form of lactic acid.

Kombucha will also help you get your digestive tract back on track. It restores pH balance, helps detox as well. Soon enough you will feel right as rain. You could add Kombucha to your overall health plan to give you more energy, nutrition, and balance in your body. Bonus " a lot of people find their weight regulates itself when they are drinking Kombucha. Score!

One of the vital minerals we lose from alcohol consumption is Magnesium. Did you know that magnesium is vital for our health, and is used in many functions in the body, including heart function? Most of us are already low in our magnesium, and drinking further reduces our internal supply.

When your magnesium level is low and your digestive tract is struggling you cannot absorb the nutrients, like magnesium, that is contained in your food. Another option is to increase the magnesium level through an IV like they do in the emergency room. Thats a little drastic. Try transdermal magnesium, like a magnesium bath, gel or oil applied to your skin.

There are over 300 enzyme functions that magnesium is needed to complete. Almost every part of your body needs magnesium. The world health organization states that about 75 percent of our population is deficient in this mineral. This affects your health, both physically and mentally!

There is no reason you need to let your hang over hang around. After a night of partying, or any time you want to relax and recharge at the same time, try a magnesium bath using a quality transdermal magnesium product. - 17268

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