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Monday, December 1, 2008

The Stages of Cancer: Treatment and Side Effects

By Virginia Pipolini

The following article is in response to requests for more detailed information about the stages of cancer, treatments, and ways to negate side effects. NOTE: as always, consult your doctor or practitioner for exact food/diet suggestions, as not everything works for all people.

Let's begin with the stages of Cancer. In stage zero there are a small number of cancerous cells in one area. Stages I, II and III progress into how involved the cancerous cells are, affecting both the local area and nearby organs. Stage IV involves other areas and organs, with numerous metastases or spreading, and this stage is often referred to as terminal.

There are many treatment systems used for cancer, depending on the severity and type of cancer. Chemotherapy is the most well known, using chemicals to inhibit the reproduction of cancerous cells. Radiation is sometimes used to inhibit the cancer cell growth or shrink tumors. Surgery is another option, removing the cancerous tissues. Immunotherapy involves treating the immune system, either stimulating or inhibiting through nutrition or drugs. Transplant therapy takes healthy stem cell or bone marrow and is placed as a reminder to the other cells to grow healthier.

The more common side effects of cancer treatment protocols includes: digestive complaints, pain and fatigue, nausea, and delays in the healing process. Other common complaints are hair loss, changes to the nails, loss of smell or taste, weight changes, and anxiety.

There are additional side affects that are not as common. Those can include allergic reactions, changes to blood pressure, shock, serious infections, seizures, and visual changes. The more long term problems stemming from cancer treatment are mental problems, increased malignancies, and especially in treatment through chemotherapy, heart attacks. The most profound and permanent affect to cancer intervention therapies is death of the person.

How do we downplay the side effects caused by cancer treatment? There are two powerful methods. First we have diet. A healthy diet includes lean non-red meats, fiber and whole grains, plenty of vegetables, especially the cruciferous variety, and lots of water. In addition: gravies, cottage cheese, yogurt and shakes, and non-acidic fruits. It is recommended that these meals be divided into multiple small meals throughout the day.

The second of the top-two self care aids in reducing the affects of cancer treatment is energy healing. This includes reiki, healing touch, therapeutic touch, quantum healing or other healing modalities, including meditation and prayer . Many report decreased fatigue, and less mental, physical and emotional stress. It is believed that these self awareness practices bring balance to the body processes and improve the healing response.

There are many other helpful tips in dealing with the stages of cancer, treatment and side affects. Many who endure those strong cancer treatments have complained of changes to their taste. Most of us do not consider the pleasure we derive from the taste of our food, and to remove that taste or change it to a metallic taste often affects our ability to eat. Add a little juice for a better flavor. Serve smaller portions, and make sure food is easy to chew and digest. Provide hard candies to stimulate saliva production and aid digestion.

Remember to be patient and gentle, regardless of the treatment or interaction. There are many helpful healing aids we can provide through energy healing, therapeutic touch, massage therapy, and other interactive sessions. Allow the patient time to react and respond. - 17268

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