Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

These are ways Vegetarians and Vegans Can Eat For Muscle Building

By Caleb Lee

My article earlier on eating clean sketches out simple nutrition guidelines for you. Nonetheless, I received an email from a vegetarian wanting some tips.

For sure, Protein is one of the highly vital "macro nutrients" you need to build muscle and to help you get well from your strength training. Majority of specialists recommend at least 1g per pound of bodyweight each day.

However, most of the advice for getting protein includes eating stuff vegetarians and vegans can't - if that describes you, read this article for muscle building nutrition advice for vegetarians and vegans

In What Way Vegetarians & Vegans Eat?

Most eat lots of vegetables, legumes, fruits, tofu and soy. Certain types eat eggs & dairy products too. But never any animal flesh (meat, fish or poultry). Here's a (not complete) list of types of vegetarians:

* Lacto-ovo Vegetarians. Does not eat beef, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish or animal flesh of any kind, consumes only dairy and egg products.

* Lacto Vegetarians. Eat dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, cream, except eggs.

* Ovo Vegetarians (or eggetarians). Eat eggs, but not animal flesh and dairy products.

* Vegans. Eat no eggs, no dairy, no animal flesh and no honey.

Problems You'll Run Into With Vegeterianism & Veganism.

Vegetables and fruits are great for vitamins, minerals and fiber. Green vegetables are also good since they boost your alkalinity levels and stabilize acidic foods like meat. Here's a few "problems" you'll run into eating like this though:

* Allergic reactions - if all you eat is dairy and eggs you for protein, then you can run into lactose intolerance, acne, or other allergic reactions from all the dairy food

Low Testosterone - meats, eggs, and dairy products have saturated fat and cholesterol which enhance testosterone. If your T levels are down you'll have a reduced amount of muscle, less strength, less energy, lagging libido, higher body fat, and less of an "ambition"

High-quality Sources of Protein for Vegeterians & Vegans

It's simple when you're lacto and/or ovo. Just don't consume meat and follow my other eating nutritious rules to get your protein: whey protein, cheese, eggs, milk, and so on. If you're vegan, there's a few extra sources of protein:

* Beans. Kidney, fava, winged, mungo, lima, black, garbanzo, hummus ...

* Legumes. Cow peas, chick pea, snow peas, lentils, peas ...

* Whole Grains. Breads, granola, quinoa, oats, brown rice ...

* Protein Powder. Rice protein, hemp protein, soy protein ...

* Milk. Almond milk, coconut milk, plant milk, rice milk, soy milk ...

* Soy. Soy beans, tofu, soy cheese, deli-style soy meats, soy milk,

* Nuts. Cashew, peanuts, peanut butter, walnuts, almonds ...

* Seeds. Flax, hemp, pumpkin, sesame ... - 17268

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