Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Free Healthy Eating Plan

By Michael Byrd

Everyone needs a healthy eating plan, and you've come to the right place. Here, we give it to you for free.

My family started to follow a simple healthy eating plan and it was in continuous success. It has been keeping us healthy for years now.

This diet plan is simple, it makes you stay healthy and enjoy your food at the same time. Let's enumerate first the things that we shouldn't eat.

We shouldn't eat the following: sweets, processed foods, white flours, white rice, fried foods, processed oils, snacks, fast foods, and any kind of junk foods are a no. As for the beverages, we don't drink soft drinks, fruit juices, coffee and alcohol.

In this free healthy eating plan, we will tell you the things you have to know and the food that you can eat.

Always remember, that the focus is on natural whole foods.

As you eat lots of vegetables and fruits, you are to take nine optimal servings a day. The trick to achieve this, you are to eat it in every meal.

The best food that you can get is ones which are fresh and organic. If in case these are not available, you can opt for frozen foods.

Now that we don't take processed foods or drinks, we don't drink milk, but still, we need to include dairy in our diet. We take organic plain yogurt, kefir, cheese, and some no-salt organic butter.

When it comes to cooking and salad, Olive Oil is the best choice.

As for the cheese, we only eat cheddar, Swiss, mozzarella, or feta and we do it in moderation. Adding fresh fruits and raw nuts are good to add as a sweetener for plain yogurt and kefir.

We only use whole grains, because of its great benefits. Whole grains include, breads that are mostly sprouted, cereals, rice and pastas. They have much greater flavor and give more nutrition as you get used to it.

Sprouting the whole grains before you use them, increases its protein and digestibility. Do double check that you are using products with no-added sugar.

There are always eggs in every home just like bread. We eat them in different kinds of way, whether that be, scrambled, hard-boiled, omelette, egg-sandwiches, poach or egg toast. You choose what you want and you'll never get tired of it, we go through as many dozens of eggs in a week, imagine that?

We don't eat meat everyday, but we always have fish and poultry. It gives us a great source of lean protein and the fish adds greater benefit by being rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

Even if we have a healthy diet, we still take food supplements to make sure we get all the essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, fiber, and the phytonutrients that we need to stay healthy.

This is my family's free healthy eating plan. All that is left for you to know is to drinks lots of water. If you would want to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than what you eat.

Do all the suggestions and add regular exercise, and I assure you that you will feel like a whole new person, in no time!

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