Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Is Being Fat Really in Your Genes?

By Ricardo d Argence

While genes play a role in your body shape, their role should not be used as an excuse to ignore diet and exercise, or else you will never lose weight.

It is true that your genetic make-up controls how many fat cells are going to be in your body, but just because you have fat cells does not mean that you have to stuff them with food. If you are ready to commit to some effort and work, you can lose weight, get healthy and re-shape and re-sculpt your body.

There are some basic body types the thin, lean ectomorph who has little body fat at any time, the athletic and well muscled mesomorphs who can lose fat easily and bulk up quickly, and the endomorph who stores fat. For the endomorph, life can be a little more complex, they gain weight quickly, and it is usually stored as fat, and the fat is very slow to disappear.

Those with an endomorph body can gain weight on a regular, healthy diet, so this can be discouraging to many people. However, instead of blaming genetics, or giving up, the weight gain can be halted and reversed by trimming some calories, performing more cardio exercise, and working out with weights. This is a more reasonable and suitable solution to the problem. Many people however tend to want something that promises quicker results instead of having to wait several weeks or months.

Do you tend to gain weight more easily than other members of your family? If so, a chemical imbalance in your brain may be to blame. Some of us have the urge to eat even when our stomachs are full.

If you read the news, you'll find that there's a lot of research trying to find a new appetite suppressant. Another one to add to the huge list of them in the market. This medication is said to block the impulse to overeat by regulating a hormone in the hypothalamus. In short time, it will be in the market ready to be purchased by the thousands of overweight men and women of America.

Billions can be made each year off a drug that will keep people thin, or make obese people lose weight. With this kind of money at stake, there is little wonder why new weight loss drugs keep popping up, both with and without harmful side effects. What is somewhat shocking is that people would rather use manmade chemicals as their quick cure instead of commit to solving the problem through dedication, willpower, and work.

You can work to lose weight and create a new life with yourself through weight training, cardio and a healthy diet. The loss of weight will be gradual, and this will give you time to firm those arms, abs and glutes. You can overcome some genetic stumbling blocks and reshape your body the way you want,you can prove that. It is not impossible to lose of extra fat, but not without some effort on your part.

Drugs do not successfully help people lose weight permanently, that's a sad fact you have to know about quick weight loss pills. The best way to get in shape and reduce body fat is to combine a regular exercise program with a healthy diet with minimal simple carbs and sugars, which are often the cause of weight gain. - 17268

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