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Monday, January 12, 2009

Rare Exotic Berry Provides Secret to Health and Longevity

By Marcus C. Evans

People today have to work very hard to look great and stay fit and healthy. We are exposed daily to toxins that weren't around just a generation ago, and we deal with the stresses of modern life that were unknown to our predecessors. Staying healthy in these circumstances can be an uphill battle.

It may seem funny then that the solution to these modern problems is an ancient berry that has been around for thousands of years. The acai berry is a blueberry-like fruit that grows in the Amazon rainforest and has been utilized for centuries by native inhabitants of the region for its beneficial properties. This berry offers tremendous health benefits that are just now being discovered by the scientific community and the world at large.

The first thing that you should realize is that the acai berry is chock-full of antioxidants. When free radicals are released in your body, they can do all sorts of damage, ranging from premature aging to even promoting certain types of cancer.

The acai berry is a famous provider of antioxidants, with several times the amount of antioxidants found in the much praised blueberry. In addition to this, you will find that it also has excellent levels of fatty acids, that are similar to those found in olive oil and that it also has more than its fair share of amino acids. These factors all combine to help make the acai berry a winner when it comes to promoting health and longevity in humans.

You'll also find that there are a number of different benefits that the acai berry can have for your digestion as well. In the first place, you will find that it has long been used as an appetite suppressant. How many times have you found a diet sabotaged by hunger pangs? You will also discover that due to its lower glycemic index that the acai berry is more filling than you might expect, and it doesn't hurt that it tastes great as well! If you are tired of diet food that has no taste or worse yet tastes terrible, now is the time for you to try the acai berry.

There is also the fact that acai berry is often use to promote digestion. When you combine it with a healthy diet and moderate exercise, you will find that you are able to digest food much more efficiently, and at the end of the day, you will discover that this is something that can go a long way towards getting you the results that you need.

Efficient digestion aids in weight loss by inhibiting the absorption of calorie-laden fats as food passes through the digestive tract. The properties of the acai berry help digest your food efficiently for maximum health and weight loss.

The bottom line is that all over Australia, people seeking to improve their health find that the acai berry makes a drastic difference in their quality of life. Give the acai berry a try. A delicious addition to smoothies, shakes, or as a dietary supplement, the acai berry is a miracle food that can help you achieve the results you want. - 17268

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