Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, February 12, 2009

5 Ways To Lower Your Glycemic Index

By Gwen Ann Wilson

In todays fast-paced lifestyle, it has become more important than ever to take care of ones health. People are going for various healthy diet plans to reduce weight and to stay fit. One such method is to eat low glycemic index diet.

Carbohydrate values of foods are being ranked by glycemic index from 1-100. Foods that has GI value lower than 55 are considered low GI foods. Foods that is within 56-59 levels has a medium GI value. And lastly, foods that has value higher that 70 are considered high GI foods.

High glycemic index foods are strictly not recommended for those suffering from diabetes and heart diseases. Low glycemic index foods lower the blood glucose level and help in maintaining good health. This article discusses 5 ways to lower glycemic index and to lose weight.

1. A Healthy Breakfast: Breakfast kick starts your metabolic system for the day. A breakfast with low glycemic index value foods will help you curb hunger pangs and will energized you throughout the day. Eating a cereal based breakfast with oats, barley and bran bread is a good start. You can also add low fat yoghurt and low fat milk to your diet for a wholesome breakfast.

2. Method of Cooking: Researchers proved that foods that are not overcooked have lower glycemic index value compared to overcooked foods. It is best to cook your food at optimum heat, avoiding overcooking because it raises the GI value. A good example is pasta, overcooked pasta has a much higher GI value.

3. Eat Good Carbs: When you are aiming for a low carb-low glycemic index diet, it is important to understand that low carbs dont mean less carbs. You could be eating fewer carbohydrates, but if those are high in GI value then it doesnt serve the purpose of the diet. The solution is to eat foods that have good carbs rather than reducing the amount of carbohydrates intake. Limit the intake of carb rich foods like rice and pasta to give your diet a balanced proportion.

4. Eating Fruits: This is great news to those who are fruit lover. Almost all kinds of fruit has low GI value except for watermelon and dates. Example of fruits that has low GI value are apples, bananas, plums and mangoes. Eating fruits will surely benefit you if you want to have a balanced diet. Not too mention the large amount of fiber that we can get from them.

5. Eating at Regular Intervals is Important: Dieting does not mean that you have to totally starve yourself to get the benefits. Eating small meals at regular interval is useful to maintain your body glucose. The best way is combining low GI foods with high GI foods to get a balance diet. This will give you more energy throughout the day. - 17268

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