Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How To Push Your Weight Training Past Your Limit

By Brian

You face one of the biggest challenges to body builders in that all muscle fibers must be exhausted to have the best muscle gain.

The simple answer is, you have work beyond failure and experience a higher level of training intensity than before. This also ensures that workouts remain challenging and continue to engender progress over time thus reducing the likelihood of regression. But how do you go about intensifying your training? Fortunately there is a tried and tested path to follow as outlined below:

1. Restance increase - increase the resistance of the lifted weights in small increments. When you reach six to eight reps and you don't fail, that's a good number to stop at and then repeat when you can do more.

2. Change up your exercises - All the muscle fibers in your body must be trained for maximum gain. Introducing a new exercise or changing the angle of a previous one (incline press etc) will help you achieve this.

3. Reduce the amount of rest between intervals - The level of intensity will increase if you give your muscles less time to recover before exposing them to more work.

4. Just before exhaustion - when you do an exercise that involves two or more muscles, the weaker one will tend to fail first. To get round this, exercise the primary muscle until it has become somewhat tired. Then do the multiple muscle exercise until failure.

5. Introduce supersets - this involves performing two exercises for the same muscle group without a rest interval. This means you have to utilize different muscle fibers which stimulate greater growth.

6. Partial reps - partial reps are when you are at nearly at the point of failure but instead of doing a complete rep, you do a partial rep. This will make your muscles still work past the point of failure without having to add new exercises

7. Isometric contractions - when you hold a weight still at the point of failure it stimulates a static contraction in the muscle.

8. Get help from a friend - having a gym partner will help you push your body one or two more reps past your point of failure. When you are at the point of failure, your friend can assist you in doing one more rep than you normally would be able to do. - 17268

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