Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, March 16, 2009

Core Stability Exercises -- How To Get Solid Fast

By Erik Helms

Core strengthening exercises are one of the best foundations for good health, and will make your workout program much safer.

Every day, our daily activities are filled with all kinds of abuses to our back. We twist, turn, bend, pick up things incorrectly. Most of us spend almost all day sitting for our jobs. In order for our core muscles to adequately support our back and internal organs, they have to be in pretty good shape. As soon as we start to get lax in our efforts to stay in shape, our back begins to "talk" to us. Bending over becomes a chore, we hurt all the time, and life becomes more and more miserable.

And in the weightroom, if we ever get there, we are at risk for straining the low back with every move we make.

OK, then, what are some really good core strengthening exercises to do?

* Pilates. Anything Pilates. Pilates workouts are designed around core strengthening exercises, and getting started with regular Pilates sessions will, in a short time, have you feeling really good and solid. Pilates has a "girl workout" reputation, but guys, take it from a man who knows; you can get a very strong core here!

* The Farmer's Walk. This is really a whole body exercise, but your core will work real hard, as will your back, legs, arms and hands. Just go pick up two very heavy dumbbells, and carry them over to the other side of the room and back again. Maybe another time. Your core will work overtime to keep you balanced and stable.

* The Wood Chopper. Grab a medicine ball. Hold it over your head and off to one side. Now swing it down and over toward your opposite foot, like you were chopping wood. Then swing it back on the same line. Repeat several times, and switch sides. Be sure to engage your hips and legs to keep your back fairly straight. That makes it harder.

* Saxon Bends. These are tough. Take that ball again, or a weight plate if you need more weight, and hold it over your head. Now bend over to one side, without bending your back from front to back. You're just going side to side. When you've gone as far over as you can, head on over to the other side. Back to center again is one.

You can use these exercises as either a great warmup or cooldown (sort of) for your regular weight training routine. Or, why not devote a whole workout to core strengthening exercises from time to time; the change will do you good. - 17268

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