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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Eliminate Large Clogged Pores and Get Healthier Skin

By Just Ask Fred

Beautiful clear healthy fresh skin is desired by everyone and you can have it with Healthy Pores. A three part skin system that will rejuvenate and cleanse your skin all at once. Your skin will look better than ever when you use this product, Healthy Pores. If you suffer from acne Healthy Pores can help you fight this disfiguring ailment many suffer from. Some of us are more likely than others to develop acne and this can be due to over active hormones, especially during puberty. Teens, adults, men and women, this product is for everyone. Seventy five percent of teenagers have recurring acne and in women over forty fifty four percent suffer from acne. This three part system can help you fight the acne occurrences you suffer from.

The skin has basically 2 layers, the dermis is the living layer, and the epidermis is a layer that is thin, and contains the dead skin cells right at the surface of it. Oil getting in the middle of the two layers is what leads to blemishes. People with acne find that a regular exfoliant doesn't work to eliminate the skin cells that are dead as good as they need it done, and the answer isn't hard scrubbing either because that just spreads the bacteria and can cause scarring. Healthy Pores has a cleanser that has 2% salycilic acid, this helps exfoliate the dead skin cells very gently with modest pressure. For many years this acid has been utilized to cleanse the skin, and skin care experts haven't found anything better in all the years. It can be applied with water and soap when desired to give you a nice, clean tingling feeling.

Then you apply the Health Pores cream to your skin this destroys bacteria. Your skin's naturally occurring oil, sebum, is necessary in certain amounts for the health of your skin. But for those that suffer from acne, this sebum gets caught between the epidermis and dermis which clogs the pores. Healthy Pores cream destroys the bacteria, which can spread across the skin to all areas, creating more blemishes. Similar to how salycilic acid that is used in the cleanser, the tea tree oil in the cream is a naturally-based ingredient that has been utilized for many years. It destroys the bacteria without drying the skin out, and does not cause redness due to the anti-inflammatory properties. This skin cream has other naturally-based ingredients to feed your skin nutrients.

The nutritional supplements of Healthy Pores is what really stands out in these products. Overactive hormones are the cause of acne and these hormones, during puberty, are known to be in overdrive during puberty, fertility cycles or changes in the weather or exposure to toxins. Its at this time that an abundance of sebum is produced and lodges between the layers of skin and causes the pores to clog. A nutritional supplement offered by Healthy Pores, all natural ingredient, help to balance the hormones, the body to detoxify and to clear the skin. And this is just one of the benefits of using Healthy Pores supplemental products. When you feel good you look good and visa versa.

Using all the Healthy Pores products as a whole will enable you to have clear skin in a short space of time, maybe even notice a change in as little as a week. Most, however, will see a definite improvement in about three weeks from a blemish marked face to a clear beautiful clean complexion. There is no risk and Healthy Pores offers a money back guarantee. If you do not get the results you expect, then return the product and we will refund you purchase price. We are that sure of our product and acne is the only thing you will lose. Give it a try, you will not be sorry and again acne is the only lose you will sustain. - 17268

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