Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, March 5, 2009

How to get a six pack fast? Kick start your metabolism!

By Max Burn

So you want to get 6 pack abs? Who doesn't it's clear that it's something everyone wants by just looking at what all the infomercials are about... "getting rock hard abs, in NO time flat!" If you've tried some of these magic sit up machines or funky torso rotators then you know they won't provide you with that shredded stomach that you desire. That's because most people want a quick easy fix that can be done in 8 minutes or less! If you really want to to see the abs that you develop it's is vital that you reduce the thickness of the body fat around the midsection then your abs with show through. By boosting your metabolism you will not only increase the amount of fat you burn while working out but burn more fat while your sitting at your dest.

Get active and boost your metabolism. One of the easiest ways to kick start your metabolism is to work out first thing in the morning. The main reason is that you break your body out of it's sluggish nighttime metabolism and get it burning hot. Doing this one act will help you achieve six pack abs faster than any amount of crunches alone. The added benefit of doing morning work outs it the "after burn effect". Essentially, by boosting your metabolism in the morning, you will continue to burn more fat long after you you leave the gym or finish your work out.

Eat small regular meals. Ideally, 5-6 small meals per day will keep your metabolism burning hot like constantly stoking a burning fire. Eating a lean protein and dark green vegetables with EVERY meal will keep your sugar and fat cravings to a minimum. Since lean protein takes a long time to digest it prevents your blood sugar from going through peaks and valleys associated with eating simple sugars. Preventing dips in blood sugar are essential to preventing sugar cravings which is a sure fire ticket to cheating on your diet plan.

One important step any fitness minded individual must remember is to focus on your written goals. "Written Goals???" Yes, write down your diet, and exercise goals and the reason why you want to achieve those rock hard abs. Maybe you are going to be in a wedding and you want to be in great shape or you want to look good on the beach this summer. Whatever the reason make sure you keep it at the forefront of your mind to keep you motivated to stay on your fitness plan.

So if you want 6 pack abs now give your metabolism a boost! Work out in the morning instead of the evening and get the after burn effect of AM training. Eat more often so that you can keep your metabolism burning at a high level all day. Finally, eat a lean protein with every meal to slow your digestion and keep your blood sugar levels in check which will also keep your sugar cravings in check as well. - 17268

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