Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Muscle Building: Know Where You're Heading

By Rob Molloy

When you make the decision to change your body it is important to know at the outset what direction you want to take and how likely it is that you will reach your objective. It's quite likely that you have an idea of what you want your body to look like and how much fat you want, or perhaps the weight you want to be. But you will experience times when attaining your goal seems almost impossible and that you are not really progressing at all. People around you can also contribute to this feeling by saying something that makes you feel like you are failing. But the fact of the matter is that there will be results with any work that you do. The best way to be able to track how far you are getting is to set goals for yourself.

Setting goals is incredibly important. The first thing, is to sit down and ask yourself what it is that you want to accomplish and write down everything you can think of. Be as detailed as possible. With any goal setting you do, you need to do it the S.M.A.R.T way. It has to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely (done within a certain time frame). Get a journal and write everything in it. Put your goals somewhere that you can look at them all the time.

Long-term goals need to be specific, because the more specific they are the easier it will be for you to focus on each one. You need to determine what weight you would like to be. Do you want to build muscles and, if so, which muscle groups do you wish to target? Perhaps you are looking at changing your waist size, or you wish to alter your body fat percentage once you know what it is. The trick is to be specific and focus on your long-term goals first.

The goals you set for yourself need to be ones that you can measure. It's all very well and good to know that you want a smaller waist or that you want bigger muscles but you need to have a specific number in mind. You need to be able to keep track of any improvements you make which means you will need a tape measure and a scale. Once you find that you have attained the measurements you desired you can then know that you have attained the goal that you set.

Make sure that your goals are truly attainable for you and that thay are realistic. You may have these grand ideas that you definitely should be shooting for but one of the most frustrating things in life is to realize that you can not get to where you want to be because you set the bar too high. Don't set goals that will be impossible to achieve. You must also set a time frame for them to be done in. This must also be attainable and realistic. Write all of this down in your journal.

Also, try to visualize what it is that you want to accomplish. If you are trying to get back to the way you used to look then put that picture in prominent places for you to look at, so that you can constantly be reminded of what it is you are trying to do. If it is a certain person or people that you are trying to look like then have their picture up where it can easily be seen. If there is a motivating factor that is causing you to make these changes, someone you want to impress or win back, then put their picture up.

Now comes the short term goals. The best way to reach your long term goals is to attack them in bite size chunks. What is the best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Have weekly goals that you write down for yourself. How much time are you going to spend on aerobic activity this week? How much time per day will you be doing it? What days are you going to be working on certain muscle groups. Write down a plan that you are going to stick to for the week. apply the S.M.A.R.T. method to your weekly goals.

Any journey needs a starting point and a destination. On this journey to a more healthy and fit body, it is you who is deciding the destination and it is you who is going to be plotting the course. You have total control over this adventure. Don't believe that it is something that you cannot do. You can. All you have to do to get good muscle growth and get in better condition, is to set good goals for yourself and then start on the journey. - 17268

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