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Monday, March 16, 2009

Need More Energy? Forget Coffee, Make Fresh Green Juice Instead!

By Joanna Verdan

Most people agree that no other food is more enzyme-rich and nutrient-rich than freshly made vegetable juice. For our bodies, it is the most easily digestable form of nutrition available. That is why it is unfortunate that, when most people think of vegetable juice, they picture a bottle of V-8 or a can of tomatoe juice. However, vegetable juices can be really delicious and even the biggest skeptics can be converted, when they start to experience the health benefits.

Do you feel constantly hungry and craving junk food? Are you always tired and feeling down? A glass of freshly made juice can probably help. If you don't have a juicer, then go and get yourself one - it's a good investment in your health. Then get some fruits and vegetables (see the recipe below for a shopping list), make some fresh juice, and drink to your health! Do this twice a day for exceptional results, every day for great results, three times a week for noticeable results, or even just once a week for improvement!

Fresh vegetable and fruit juice has all nutrients that your body needs in a form that can be instantly digested and absorbed. Its also great for your health. If you search the Internet, you'll find thousands of stories about people who healed themselves of various ailments, lost weight and improved their well-being by drinking freshly made juices.

Recipe for a Delicious Green Cocktail

There are many recipes that you can find on the Internet and in books on the subject. Here is one versatile recipe for a Green Juice Cocktail, that is often recommended as you browse through various resources:

Simple version:

1 head romaine lettuce or 3 stalks of celery

5-6 leaves of kale (or other greens, e.g., 1 cup of spinach)

1 or 2 apples or pears

1 whole lemon (with peel)

Optional ingredients " choose what you like or have in your kitchen:

1 cucumber

1/4 to 1/2 ripe papaya (1/2 results in a sweeter juice)

1/2 cup of of parsley (or cilantro)

1 cup of fennel

You may add some beets or carrots too, but then of course it will no longer be green juice... Some people like to add a small piece of garlic or ginger.

Drink it every morning or afternoon to jumpstart your energy!

For most benefits, it is best to drink your juice on an empty stomach.

The Benefits of Juicing: Vegetable and Fruit Juice Advantage

So why juice the vegetables instead of eating them? What's the benefit of juicing them?

Well, first of all, a juicer separates the juice from the fiber of the fruits and vegetables making them easier to absorb, leaving you with organic water with all the important nutrients: vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from the plants. And second, just consider having to chop and then chew all the above ingredients - it sure does take a while!

Of course, having fiber is important too, but because it is removed from the juice, your body will not have to waste energy on digestion. The nutrients will go straight into the cells to do their work. So, whenever you are experiencing low energy or any health issues - make yourself some fresh juice! - 17268

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