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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Weight Loss: The Secret of Health Tea

By Christoph O Conner

Green tea is a tasty beverage that is no longer a match for deserts but can aid in weight loss. Green tea is rich in antioxidants which can help you loose weight. It also casues your metabolism to work harder which again helps with weight loss.

Green tea helps speed up the rate at which your body burns fat. However you still need to exercise and eat well to gain the maximum benefits.

Since Green tea helps your metabolism work harder your body will burn more calories at a faster rate than it normally would. The antioxidants that are found in Green tea are part of the reason it helps a person loose weight as well.

One of the main antioxidants found in green tea is EGCG. This particular antioxidant helps the body get rid of fat faster aiding the weight loss process. Green tea turns fat into energy which is a key component to loosing weight as well.

When most people begin a weight loss plan a big obstacle in the way is cravings. Green tea helps hault cravings which makes it much easier to loose weight. People who consume green tea tend to consume around 60% less than those you do not. Drinking green tea prevents people from over eating and consuming empty calories.

Most beverages people drink, especially coffee, contain large amounts of caffeine. Green tea has less caffeine than most beverages and is a great substitute for coffee lovers. Also people tend to abstain from adding cream and sugar, which is high in calories and fat, to tea.

Along with increasing your metabolims green tea helps increase a persons endurance when working out. By boosting your metabolism it increases ones stamina and allows for longer workouts.

Drinking green tea is a great way to get the antioxidants you need and loose weight as well. Other than water its one of the best beverages you can drink for overall health. - 17268

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