Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, March 12, 2009

4 Weight Loss Tips Not To Forget

By Henry John

You have just got to lose weight. You can't tolerate this weight anymore! What do you do? Another diet? Oh, no! The thought fills you with horror as you remember the months of toil and misery on the last diet.

Is losing weight a challenge? It can be. It takes effort and commitment if it is going to be successful. The problem for most people is that having invested their time , commitment and money, and really, really tried to keep to the diet regime, the weight jus come back again.

When the weight comes back again after only a few months after your diet, you think the end of the world has come. It's tough to see all the weight come back having put so much work into your diet. It wouldn't be so bad, but you are already a paid up member of the serial dieters club, and it hurts.

Serial dieters suffer from a further problem which most of them are totally unaware. What is it? It's loss of muscle mass. When you go on a diet and initially you lose weight quite quickly, you lose both fat and muscle. When the weight comes back again, it's fat that comes back, not muscle. After going on several diets a serial dieter's muscle mass is going to be considerably less.

A problem? Certainly: apart from the fact that you will find daily functions more difficult because your muscle mass has deteriorated, your metabolism will have been compromised as well? Why? Because muscle is a very good burner of energy. The more muscle you have the better you will be at burning energy (calories). The less muscle you have the more difficult you will find it to burn energy and therefore lose weight.

The best weight loss tips are: 1. Whatever you do, don't go on a diet 2. Don't 'pop weight loss pills' - the result will be the same as going on a diet. 3. Look for a program that has a personal Exercise Plan and that offers you support during the program. 4. Identify and then go with a program that addresses the main issue - making change. Making change comes by learning new habits, slim habits. This is the only sure way to achieve permanent weight loss. - 17268

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