Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why an Online Personal Trainer Could Help YOU!

By Jay Bonaretti

In the early 90?s, having a personal trainer was nearly unheard of. They were exclusive to celebrities. Then, as the fitness industry has evolved, personal trainers are commonplace in helping you reach your health and fitness goals. Nowadays, online personal training is becoming more and more popular.

An online personal trainer has many advantages over the conventional personal trainer. Within this article, we will discuss precisely what the main advantages are.

Lacking the motivation to get off your backside? That?s what an online personal trainer can do for you. That online PT can be the voice in your ear egging you on to keep your spirits high.

How do you ask - well, the difference between the old-school PT and the online personal trainer is that the latter is in constant communication with you throughout the week - not just one a week with the former!

Motivation is only half the benefit of consistent discussion ? accountability is the other half. This means that you have to provide your results to your coach regularly. Thus, you reach your goals quicker!

Being on the internet, you can therefore be educated so much more easily than in person with someone. Not only can you have concepts explained to you clearly, but also plenty of references can be provided that you can view instantly.

Money concerns? No problems with online personal training. It is far cheaper to obtain an online coach because you don?t spend hourly appointments with your trainer. You could pay less than the cost of a one hour session in order to obtain daily support throughout the week!

Exercises and correct form is clearly conveyed through clear, easy to understand instructions, photo?s and video?s. If you?re really in doubt, you can always forward back a video of your technique so your online personal trainer can review it for you. Often with a normal personal trainer, you can easily forget how each exercise is supposed to be performed.

Personally I have trained numerous clients over the years (face-to-face and online). Whilst both categories obtain amazing results, there is something about the online personal training that really gives client's that edge. I guess it's much harder to make excuses when you have someone on your case ALL THE TIME!

At the end of the day, it comes down to what you want to achieve and how you are going to achieve it. Online personal trainers aren't for everyone - particularly those who are not all that computer savvy. But often the convenience of non-appointment based coaching, coupled with the many other benefits discussed above, mean that you can achieve that ideal physique in no time. - 17268

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