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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Avoiding Hot Flashes During Menopause with a Healthy Diet

By Ricardo d Argence

Menopause is going to happen to all women, even though it can be a very stressful time for them. The current level of discomfort is not necessary for most women.

Even if hot flashes are normal during menopause, there are ways to avoid them. To get rid of the hot flashes fast, just add a few different things to your daily diet.

Soybeans contain several compounds, including daidzein and genistein that are estrogenic. This helps to control hot flashes. Because the Japanese have a diet rich in soy, only 7% of Japanese women experience hot flashes during menopause. The soy product, tofu is especially great for mimicking the activity of female hormones.

Other foods that you should incorporate into your diet are vegetable proteins (instead of animal proteins), tofu, fresh vegetables, magnesium-rich foods, calcium-rich foods, mineral-rich foods, cold-pressed oils, and nuts. Adding sea vegetables to your diet can help replenish electrolytes that are typically lost during excessive perspiration. Drinking plenty of water is essential for this same reason as well.

Besides eating certain foods, there are also certain foods that you should avoid to keep hot flashes at bay. Spicy foods, excess sugar, alcohol, caffeine, dairy products, and meat products can exacerbate and worsen the triggering of hot flashes, as well as mood swings.

Drinking alcohol and caffeine strains the liver by making it acidic and are likely to increase your hot flashes. If you smoke, it also worsens the effect of hot flashes.

If you want to controll hot flashes you should keep up a regular exercise regimen. When a woman is going through menopause, she begins to feel down. It reminds her that she is getting older. No matter your age, exercising daily can keep you fit and toned and makes you feel fabulous.

Exercise can make your estrogen levels higher, which helps with the relief of hot flashes, or at minimum makes them less severe. Exercise also helps reduce the frequency of many of the other negative side effects of menopause like depression, headaches, fatigue, lethargy, anxiety, and night sweats.

Take control of your life, don't let menopause do that! Even if you cant avoid menopause, you can avoid it's symptoms. Just by making some changes with the way you eat and live, you can survive this time and end up being more in shape and be more healthy than ever! - 17268

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