Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tips On How To Gain Muscle Mass

By James Sloan

If you are in search for effective methods to gain weight build muscle then you are in the right place. As I continue with an explanation of these methods, be sure to keep in mind that the goal here is to build lean muscles.

First things first, if you are one who hates working out their legs...the make yourself used to it. Many athletic studies have now reported that full body workouts give off more desirable results than split body workouts. To familiarize yourself, split body workouts are where you just work one part of your body during a workout.

Full body workouts are proven to pump up higher testosterone levels in your body. And we are aware of how much we want that testosterone for building muscle!

The sole reason we work out is to break down our muscle fibers. The more we break down the better they will rebuild themselves stronger and larger. Having said that, you need to use a 4 second cadence when lifting weights. The amount of time it takes you to lift and lower the weight during a single repetition is what we refer to as cadence.

It should take you both 4 seconds to lift the weight and another 4 seconds to lower it back to the starting position. In here there is maximum tearing of muscle. Now, the whole muscle rebuilding process begins by breaking down your muscles by lifting weights. With that, make the most of out of your efforts. And keep in mind to get yourself lots of protein after your workouts.

Protein is essential to gain weight, build muscle. Simple as that. You must have that passion firing up to achieve your ideal body type. If you're lacking in passion, might as start building it. How will you feel when you have that exact body of your desire? Envision it. Take the time to feel that passion and emotion in your gut. Keep that passion burning.

Feels good, doesn't it? That kind of passion brings your dreams into a reality. You must learn to take care of yourself first before giving more attention to other things in your life. With that desire, you will have that ripped, toned, body that you've always wanted. It takes lesser time as you might think. Once you are committed into doing the work, you will get such outcomes. - 17268

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