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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Body Detox: One Way To Look At It

By Candi B. Mihajlov

If there were a generation to give, en masse and complimentary, decades-long supplies of body detox, it would be those of us who were in between the Generation X-ers and these new Millennial children. The Millenials were born during the era of abstinence education and anti drug commercials that involved tweeners deflating into flattened puddles in the middle of their living rooms. They grew up without having to fight over whether we were descended from apes and have no idea what we mean when we talk about cigars or blue dresses.

The Millenials are safe because we've finally gotten the PR battle about clean living right. The days when it might be outside of the norm to stay virginal till married and to never have touched a cigarette or tasted beer by the time you're fifteen are gone. It was through the trial-and-error phase of the clean living movement-- my generation-- that so many people got the propaganda wrong and, as such, it's my generation who will need these sorts of treatments more often, and soon.

Haven't we learned from the glut of Baby-Boomers clogging up Social Security that the whole "Be fruitful and multiply" thing has gotten way, way out of hand? So you've come onto this site, you realize that we've got food shortages across the globe, that our credit and financial systems are total wrecks, and you have the sheer audacity to look for ways to live LONGER?

That's absolutely counter-productive to your children's futures. You should know better.

Life expectancy across the country is rising, due in large part to the dramatic decrease in infant mortality. On the other hand, obesity, Diabetes, and hypertension are all also on the rise. That means that there will be more people eventually in hospitals for things that-- at least in the three cases mentioned just now-- there will be more people in those hospitals. If you could decrease the possibility of being in that position just by taking a detox treatment, wouldn't you? - 17268

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