Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, April 3, 2009

Build Strength For Six Pack Abs - Moderation Throughout

By Dan Solaris

Society has long acknowledged fit individuals with well-defined muscular physique- even more so now. They're used as models for all sorts of things from clothes to cars and fitness products because let's face it- they're the envy of unfit masses around the world.

Watching movies that star Brad Pitt, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Hugh Jackman, it's easy to get the impression that lean and muscular individuals are a dime a dozen in the U.S. Strolling on American beaches during summertime however, one realizes that it's quite the opposite.

Figures recently collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that 66% of adult Americans are overweight. Given the unhealthy fast track lives most of us lead, it's not really surprising. We spend most of our waking hours on our butts- in our office chairs, in our vehicles and at home on the couch or the computer chair.

Indeed, the creature comforts technology has allowed us to enjoy has made lazy, inactive sloths out of countless folks. The delicious morsels we munch on while watching other people with six packs on Baywatch re-runs aren't helping things either.

You know what? We aren't at all helpless. It may seem impossible but getting lean enough to get a well-defined six pack on our midsections is just a matter of finding the right workout that fits with a tight schedule.

Everyone knows that weight-training is the best way to form additional muscle and improve one's physique. However, it's a little-known fact that it plays a bigger role in eliminating belly fat to bring-out a well defined abdomen. Adding muscle tissue to one's frame actually increases the body's metabolic rate thereby increasing the amount of calories burned throughout the day.

Creating a calorie deficit will become that much easier by increasing our BMR through intense exercises. Cardio exercises are known to be the best method for burning calories from body fat, but experts have discovered that intense anaerobic exercise (resistance training with little rest) can be effective for burning loads of calories in less short time.

The increased muscle tissue we gain from resistance training improves our metabolism and already increases our body's ability to burn calories. Increasing the intensity of weight-training by shortening the rest periods between sets will result in even more calories burned because of EPOC (excessive post-workout oxygen consumption). This will let us shorten our workout sessions effectively and get us out of the gym faster. Always remember that moderation in eating means moderation in working-out. - 17268

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