Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle Review

By Martin Knight

I am tired of all the hype and bull around miracle diets!

Ever feel like you're the unwitting pawn in a corporate greed tug-of-war??

On one side, you have the vested interests that push every kind of junk food and fast food ever created...

who all want to sell you, and sell you, and sell you again, on their latest flab building "food."

On the other side we have one "miracle" diet product after another, which, by the way, do NOTHING to help you lose weight and EVERYTHING to make you feel so discouraged you just want to give up and go pig out on more junk food!

Aren't you sick and tired of all this bull????

That is why I have sworn to NEVER EVER go on another miracle diet...

...because diets do not work!

What is the point of losing 20 pounds, and then gaining 30?

I know that the ONE and ONLY thing that does work is to IGNORE everyone who is trying to make money by telling you what diets to eat and what supplements to take...

...and find someone who ALREADY LOOKS the way YOU want to look...

...and learn what THEY do to look that way!

Doesn't that make sense?

It sure does to me.

I work at Fitness-Programs-Review where we test fitness programs to find the fitness programs that ACTUALLY WORK.

So I went on a quest to find SOMEONE who can tell me for a FACT what works and what doesn't when it comes to losing fat, gaining muscle and looking and feeling GREAT.

There are plenty of people out there who CLAIM they can do this......and almost none who can back up what they say.

Most diet and fitness programs do not work. They just give you silly advice about exercising regularly and repeat what they've heard others say..."Burn more calories then you take lots of veggies...avoid fat and carbs....blah blah blah."

If this advice was enough, we'd ALL be slender, shapely and fabulous.

I did find a couple of programs that sounded promising, but I had to wonder why the authors weren't showing off their own bodies.

Didn't they follow their own advice?

So I said NO to those.

Of course, I also used objective criteria to evaluate if these programs worked. This included: lots of happy customers, a money back guarantee, an inexpensive price, a low return rate, credentials of the author, and no ridiculous claims.

In the end, only 4 programs passed out of 48 tested fitness programs.

All of these 4 programs are excellent, and 1 stood out as my favorite.

If you went to this site right now and look at the author's photo....

I think you would agree with me...

3.7% body fat!!

Now here's someone who is following his own advice, which means his advice is worth following. Since he looked quite different before, following his advice can help you change your body.

We also found that his program does not make outlandish claims, is filled with usable information, has lots of happy customers, doesn't cost very much, does not require a gym membership, and even though it is unconditionally guaranteed, only 3% of his customers have asked for their money back. In short, the program works.

But how did he learn the secrets to looking like THAT??

It seems he's been working at it for 14 years, perfecting a system that works not just for him, but also for the people he teaches it to.

Where did he get his facts?

From competitive natural bodybuilders and fitness models.

These are people who HAVE TO look good for a living.

Notice, he studied "Fitness" models. He did not study anorexic or drug ingesting fashion models.

These are people paid to look fantastic but also HEALTHY, not anorexic.

I bet I'm going to get letters on that last comment. ;-)

Anyway, if you want to know how to do something, find someone who is already doing it, and do what they do.


And Tom Venuto is, frankly, OBSESSED with bodybuilding, fitness and nutrition.

He's spent almost his entire adult life studying everything on nutrition he could get his hands on, trying every diet ever created.

That's how he found out for himself that diets and weight loss supplements are a total waste of time and money, and can even be detrimental to your health and cause you to GAIN weight, not lose it.

Based on his research of what DOES work using the secret techniques of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models, Tom has developed his own complete fat burning system.

...and it comes with a full 56 day money back guarantee.

Meaning if it should turn out that Tom's Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle DOESN'T deliver on his promises of showing us how to get a gorgeous body like his, we get our money back.

Can't beat a deal like that!

P.S. You'll notice a loooong list of bullet points on the home page at Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle.

Here are my 5 favorites:

...these alone are worth the price of the entire course!

--How to almost INSTANTLY boost your energy levels higher than you ever thought possible, starting from day one...

--How to eat 50% more while storing NONE of it as fat...

--The worst twelve foods you should avoid like the plague...

--The top twelve wonder foods you should eat all the time...

--How to be practically "hypnotized" into eating properly and working out consistently... No willpower required!

You can go read the bullet points to find your favorites...

... or begin your journey to lean, muscular and sexy right now... - 17268

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