Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Two Steps To A Much Leaner Body

By Danny Gutierrez

Losing weight and melting the existing fat off of your body can be accomplished a lot easier then most people think.

Now generally speaking to lose weight you have to diet because in order to lose weight you have to reduce the amount of calories you consume. In a nutshell, you have to burn more calories then you consume in order to lose weight. This article will show you how you can reduce the amount of calories you consume pretty dramatically and how you can do it without dieting.

The key to this program and to reducing the amount of calories you consume is drinking water. But more specifically, if you really want dramatic results you should replace all of the sodas, juices and sugary drinks currently in your diet with water.

A twelve ounce can of soda contains 155 calories and by replacing all of the sugary drinks you currently consume with water, which contains zero calories, you'll essentially be dieting. But more importantly you'll be reducing the amount of calories you consume without altering your food diet one bit.

The other key with water is to drink it throughout the day. Most people don't know this but between meals when you're feeling hungry and you feel like snacking nine times out of ten you're not actually hungry... you're actually dehydrated and your body is just thirsty!

The best way to eliminate unnecessary snacking between meals is to first try and drink a bottle of water prior to assuming that you are hungry and having a snack. It's also key here to be prepared and to have some healthy snacks available at the office to have with your water instead of the junk food you'll find in the vending machine.

Ok so you've reduced the number of calories you're consuming, you're "dieting", and now let's look at a way of burning the existing fat off your body form all your problem areas.

If you really want to kick the fat burning into overdrive you'll do some kind of medium impact cardio workout first thing in the morning before you have anything to eat.

Doing a medium impact workout on an empty stomach activates the fat burning mechanism in your body because your body has nothing in its stomach because you haven't eaten all night. Thi9s forces your body to tap into its fat stores to get its energy!

Going all out or doing a high impact aerobics workout isn't what you're going for here. You want something medium impact that's not too demanding becasue that's the type o workout that is conducive to your body burning fat. So don't go all out and don't just stand there either... you want something in between to burn fat.

Follow those steps above and you'll be well on your way to achieving a leaner and tighter body in no time at all. - 17268

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