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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Using Melatonin to Help You Fall Sleep

By Mark Sanderlix

Thinking back to when I was a kid, I think I've always had some form of a sleeping disorder. Mild as it may be, I've always had a hard time falling asleep at a reasonable time; most nights I can't get to sleep before midnight. While this helps the ratings of all the late night cable shows, it certainly doesn't help me perform at my best in the morning if I haven't gotten enough sleep. From school classes to work meetings, if I'm not well rested in the morning, I can't do my best and perform at the highest level. I've tried many solutions for this, from drugs from the drug store, to powdered drink mixes, to changing the area around me to be more conducive to sleep; nothing has provided anywhere near the results, without all the nasty side effects, as melatonin.

If you are like most people, your first choice for getting to sleep is probably either TheraFlu or NyQuil. Most people already have these in their homes, anyway, so its easy to just take one or the other as both are very effective at putting you to sleep. The problem with these, for me, is that there are also drugs in them to help with a cough, headache, sore throat, or stuffy nose since these aren't made for sleep alone. That meant that these weren't a good, long-term solution for me. So, then I started investigating things like Tylenol PM, but I didn't like that they weren't an 'all natural' product. I didn't want to rely on a drug that wasn't naturally occurring in my body already.

I also tried just changing my surroundings. Experts recommend removing the TV for your bedroom, so I tried that. Unfortunately, it didnt help me fall asleep any easier. I still ended up sleeping around the same time it was just a lot more painful because the TV wasnt there to help the pain go by. I tried playing light music, but that didnt help, either. I just kept thinking to myself what artist played it, or what instruments were being used, etc. I came to the conclusion that changing the surroundings didnt help me with getting to sleep.

This all changed after a night at a little get-together. I overheard two women talking about sleeping problems, and how one of them was using Melatonin to help her fall asleep easier. I was excited to hear this, I hadn't heard of Melatonin before, but she was going on and on about how it was a natural substance that is in your body anyway and that it does a great job of easing you into sleep without any ill side effects that she could think of. I decided that I must try melatonin as soon as possible.

Immediately after the get-together I went straight to a twenty-four hour drug store. I really had to try Melatonin for myself. I searched and search but was unable to find it; after asking for assistance, I eventually found it in the Herbal Supplements section (not with the other sleeping pills). I bought a small bottle of a small dosage of melatonin and set out to give it a try the next day. I ended up taking it the next day about an hour before I was ready to fall asleep and sure enough, 45 minutes later I got that feel that I was "ready to go to bed". I was tired, but not knocked out. The melatonin eased me into sleep, and I slept great through the night and woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvinated. I didn't experience any side effects, such as grogginess or waking up in the middle of the night. I was so happy to find what felt to me like a miracle. I've taken melatonin many nights since then, and all had the same great result.

Since melatonin was working so well for me, I decided to do a little digging online to make sure it was safe. The first tip I have is to take a small dosage, the smallest you can find. In my case, that is 3mg. Many experts believe even 3mg is too much at once, so be very careful before ever using a dosage larger than that. Next, ensure that the melatonin you take is 'created in a lab' and not 'harvested naturally'. The natural stuff may actual contain bacteria or toxins that you shouldn't put in your body. Finally, it is very important that you consult your doctor first before taking melatonin.

My results from melatonin, as you can see, have been excellent. The supplement works very well at what it is supposed to do, and that is to ease you into a good night of sleep. Once it does its work, your body can take over and do the rest such as keeping you asleep and then waking you up after you are rested. Don't become depended or addicted to melatonin, I suggest you only use it occasionally as I do. - 17268

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