Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Conquering Mistakes: Important Advice for Gaining Muscle

By Brad Morgan

If you are undertaking a muscle building regime, there is a lot of information out there to help you get started. The problem is that there is so much information, and often conflicting advice, that you may not know how to start.

There is more than one way to build muscle, more than one exercise that works, but there are also many things that can hurt your efforts to build muscle. Let's take a look at some things to avoid.

1. Overspending on gym memberships

According to gyms, their equipment ? fancy, shiny computerized and hydraulic machines ? are the only way to build muscle safely and effectively. Before you buy into that line and into an expensive membership, consider that the exercise can do at home is low-cost and high-effect. Save yourself some money, and work out at home.

In the privacy of your own home, you can workout with moves like squats and lunges, which require absolutely no equipment, or with free weights, which are relatively cheap. The best equipment is your body, some free weights, and hard work.

2. Not changing your workout.

When you start working out, you may see results and be so happy that you stick with the same routine. After all, it worked, didn't it?

Perhaps, but doing the same workout after your body has adjusted to the exercise will cause your efforts to stagnate. Your body is an incredibly efficient machine. The more you practice a move, the less your body actually has to work to execute it.

Therefore, doing the same workout routine causes your body to burn much fewer calories. Add some variation. Up the intensity. Never let your body get used to anything ? it needs constant challenges. The upside is that you won't get bored with your exercise routine.

3. Ignoring Cardio

You may think that if you want to build muscle, you restrict your exercise routine to weight training. This does not work. If you want to build muscle, you have to add cardio.

We all know that cardio can help you burn fat. For muscle builders, it also helps the body rest and recover from weight training. To get the best results, do intervals of high intensity cardio for about twenty minutes right after your weight training session.

4. Not resting enough.

Working out everyday can also hurt your muscle building efforts. Since muscle repairs itself and develops during rest periods, it is vital to build some into your workout routine. Two or three rest days per week should be sufficient to allow your muscles to do their work.

Another mistake novices make is working the same muscles day after day. Instead, try alternating the muscle groups so they don't become injured or fatigued. You can work on your abs and legs one day and your chest, back, and arms another. Let your muscles have the appropriate rest so they can build muscle for you.

5. Ignoring Diet

Not eating properly is a big reason why many people fail to build muscle. Food is necessary for your body's health and to put it into optimum muscle building mode.

Make sure that you are getting plenty of protein. This nutrient, which is found in lean meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy, is a key to muscle growth. Try eating a protein snack after your workouts to maximize their effect.

6. Abandoning your goals.

Everyone's body is different, and it takes some people longer to build muscle than others. Quitting because you are not seeing results fast enough is a huge mistake.

There are several things you can do if you notice your efforts are stagnating: look at your fitness routine to see if there is anything you can change. Look at your diet to see if you are eating properly. If your body just takes more time to build muscle, giving up will be a great loss.

Whatever the cause of your stagnation, don't quit. If something is not working, change it. But don't stop; it will only put you back where you started and you won't have the body you want. - 17268

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