Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, April 17, 2009

Fast Abs Workout - Round Surfaces Melt Bellies

By Dan Solaris

The hugely successful food industries in North America and Western Europe have caused approximately 65% of their populations to become overweight, statistics show. Efficiency in food production- especially in meats and sweets has made it difficult for most people to maintain healthy eating habits.

With all the activities we have to do in our daily schedule- go to the office, browse the net and socialize, it's no wonder a lot of people have given-up exercising regularly. This combination of lack of exercise and over indulgence in food will of course yield dangerous results and the cases of obesity and heart disease are on the upsurge.

Of the noble members of society that picked-up their arms to join the war against excess fat and high blood pressure, only a few emerge victorious. This can be attributed lack of motivation brought about by improper exercise and thus, slow results.

Most people hit the gym to lose weight and get a six-pack. A fast abs workout that effectively tones-up the midsection in a short time will solve issues of boredom and keep people motivated and exercising continuously.

Aside from regular cardiovascular exercises that facilitate rapid body fat burn, the best way to tone-up and develop the midsection is through developing the core muscles and improving the body's stability. By doing exercises that include balancing and stabilizing the body, all-around core strength is improved.

The muscles around or midsection make up our core. These include the muscles in the lumbar area as well as those on the side of our waists and of course, the upper and lower abdomen. Most people make the mistake of doing conventional ab isolation exercises thinking it's enough. Neglecting the other core muscles, especially those in the lumbar region can actually lead to back pain.

Using round surfaces (as opposed to a flat bench or floor) while doing core strengthening exercises will result in a faster abs workout. The unstable surface forces all the muscles around the midsection to work together to maintain balance. This will result in a stronger core faster and improve flexibility and endurance.

Another advantage to doing core exercises on a curved or round platform is a higher amount of calories burned. It's been proven in a study using electromyography that more muscle fibers are active when doing crunches and similar exercises on a round surface. More muscle effort spells more calories used-up and more belly fat burned. - 17268

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