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Friday, April 17, 2009

Rip and Repair: Building Muscle the Right Way

By Danny Reagan

One of the most important aspects of life is physical fitness. The fitness routines we choose to work into our every day lives can help to build muscle and thus increase strength and metabolism. With more and more people falling into the definition of obese or overweight, the time to build muscle and become more physically active through fitness is now and everyone needs to jump on the band wagon.

Very few people actually understand how the body can build muscle. The art of fitness is surrounding in cardio and aerobic exercise and even some of the most avid fitness people have little idea of how the body chooses to build muscle. These rules are simple, but effective.

Ready the muscle. From the first moments of beginning a routine to build muscle, the fitness program needs to incorporate stretching. Stretching the muscle increase the blood flow to the muscle and thus increase the chances of good muscle build. Stretching also helps to prevent injuries to the muscle while cold by warming up the muscle fibers and allowing for a longer movement during the fitness routine.

Just add water. Water is the most important part of our lives. Drinking water lubricates the joints, keeps the body healthy and increases the overall effect of a fitness routine and a routine to build muscle. The muscle needs water to build and therefore a minimum guideline of 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water per day are recommended. Muscle mags choose higher recommendations on many occasions, up to 1 gallon of water per day or more to build muscle effectively.

Minimum Payments Will Not Work ? The credit card you used to charge the world away, is the nemesis to your debt free life and debt elimination. Those minimum payments are all interest and in order to choose debt elimination, those need to be taken care of immediately. The paying off of a credit card will require a larger than minimum payment and a lot of willpower. Becoming debt free was never going to be easy, but debt elimination feels good in the end.

No More Monthly Payments ? When trying to move from debt to debt free, you must forget about how much you can afford per month and stick with what you can afford right now. Debt free means taking those monthly payments and converting them to monthly savings. Debt elimination is getting rid of that debt.

Never File Bankruptcy ? Bankruptcy will hurt more than help. There are slow fixes for debt that can make anyone debt free. It just takes time and determination to remain free from debt, to choose debt elimination and to live debt free.

We all need to build muscle in order to make the most of our fitness goals. Them ore muscle we build, them ore our metabolism will burn and the better shape we will remain in throughout our lives. The aim of a fitness program to build muscle needs to be rotted in these rules, because the knowledge of how a muscle builds will make the task to build muscle more quick, easy and efficient. - 17268

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