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Friday, April 17, 2009

Why Grapes Should Be a Part of Your Natural Gout Treatments Plan

By John Horner

Grapes are a great natural gout treatments food that can assist in reducing painful gout attack symptoms. When used with other helpful remedies, grapes are an excellent element in the greater plan to improve you health. Improving your overall health will help you get rid of or reduce gout attacks in the long term.

Grapes are very qualified to help you alleviate gout pain in several ways. They contain effective gout fighting nutrients such as quercitin and potassium. They also contain vitamin C and anthocyanins.

One of the ways grapes treat this disease is with quercitin. Quercitin is a very strong flavonoid. They help fix the main painful gout symptom, inflammation. Flavonoids are considered to be very effective at reducing swelling.

When too many uric acid crystals settle in your joints they cause irritation and inflammation. Quericitin helps fight this problem. This helpful flavonoid can be purchased as a supplement.

Water can help reduce painful gout symptoms. Grapes are a great way to get the water you need. They are made up of approximately 2/3 water. By eating water dense fruits such as grapes, you can increase your hydration. Proper hydration lets you flush out excess uric acid.

Potassium is another way grapes help you naturally treat gout. Potassium helps your kidneys to excrete uric acid more easily. Grapes contain approximately 190mg of potassium a serving (100g). One serving will give you around 5% of your daily allowance so grapes alone will not give you enough potassium. Many other fruits such as cantaloupes and peaches contain potassium, so eating plenty of fruits will help you treat gout.

Grapes are great for helping get rid of gout because they are filled with vitamin C. They provide you with 10mg per serving which is around 20% of the US governments daily recommendation. Vitamin C is a great natural treatment for gout.

A study published in Arthritis and Rheumatism (2005;52:1843-7) found taking Vitamin C during a 2 month period at 500mg per day reduced uric acid levels by approximately 10%. They found vitamin C helps prevent purines from turning into uric acid. Being able to control uric acid is important because most gout patients are unable to keep their levels under control.

Grapes contain anthocyanins. These flavonols are a great way to get rid of lowering your pain. Anthocyanins help lessen the inflammation that causes most of your gout pain. Color does make a difference. These flavonoids are found in the grape's skin and the darker the skin, the greater the flavonoids. Any grape will help you, but you would be better in choosing a darker grape, especially if you are currently suffering from an acute gout attack.

Grapes are so important when you are trying to treat gout naturally. However, they are best used when combined with other fruits. Many fruits, such as cherries, contain a lot of these healthy properties that help you get rid of gout pain. - 17268

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