Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fast Weight Loss To Shrink Your Belly

By Robert Hudak

Perhaps you have heard the old saying once you reach the age of 40, you start heading downhill and then come the middle age weight gain. The days of starving yourself for days at a time to achieve fast weight loss are no longer an option. Have you seen how young kids and teenagers have developed the middle age weight gain as well?

You will now hear the secrets to fast weight loss and belly be gone. Hypnosis has been very effective in helping people lose weight and reduce the belly with proper suggestions and programming. While in hypnosis the person is given suggestions to leave food on their plate or that they will feel satisfied with less eating and feel disinterested in food.

Drinking 12oz of water 15 minutes before each before each meal is the second secret to slimming down the mid section and achieving fast weight loss. Just drinking water all day long and 15 minutes before each meal will make you eat half of what you normally would.

So many people are struggling with weight gain and belly fat due to the enormous amounts of chemicals that are put into our food supply. Avoiding High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a major way you can achieve fast weight loss. Although HFCS is in almost all foods, there are still plenty foods without it. Most excess weight gain is caused by HFCS.

Since 1970 each generation of Americans continue to become heavier without any noticeable relief in site. When HFCS was added to the diet, fast weight loss became non-existent. Stopping the consumption of HFCS will allow you to lose weight and reduce your mid section quickly.

Here are some ways that HFCS affects your body. It gives you an increase appetite along with making you addicted to whatever you are eating. Because HFCS is not processed the same way as regular sugar, it negatively affects your metabolism and insulin levels. Remove HFCS from your diet and you can have fast weight loss.

Here is the next secret to watching your stomach shrink in size, stop the soft drinks. Regular soft drinks have thirteen teaspoons of sugar. Now if you like the diet version, they are full of artificial sweeteners, which by the way make your stomach bigger. Want to have fast weight loss? Say goodbye to soft drinks and watch your body and belly shrink in size.

Becoming more physically active is another key secret. It does not have to be strenuous exercise. Go for a jog or even a walk. Just start moving. Start with walking 20 minutes per day. Combining hypnosis with your walking adds discipline; will power and self-control, helping you attain fast weight loss.

The body becomes accustomed to habits and routines quickly. Walking for a prolonged period of time does not guarantee fast weight loss. If you want to speed up your metabolism and burn belly fat then consider this routine, do a 20-minute interval walk, one comfortable minute and one fast minute. You will improve cardiovascular system and lose weight fast. - 17268

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