Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fat Loss And Core Strength - Build A Base

By Dan Solaris

With the long list of things of things we have to do everyday- commute, work, social and leisure activities, it's extremely difficult for a lot of people to squeeze-in a regular exercise schedule. Perhaps this explains why over 60% of North Americans are carrying around excess body fat from lack of physical activity.

The rich, delicious food we have at our disposal 24/7 is also adding to the health crisis facing millions of urban dwellers having trouble with their waistlines. It's very easy for us to grab a few jelly donuts or a heaping plate of chili fries with nary a second thought because ours has become a culture of high-calorie fast food.

Since we're living in a democracy and our government can't really dictate what stores and restaurants serve, it's quite obvious that the only way to curb effects of high-calorie dining is through regular exercise. Adopting a regular workout routine even for 30 minutes a day can get us in shape as well as reduce the stresses of the day.

Since time is an issue for most people these days, choosing workouts that have the highest efficiency in using-up energy is the key. Countless studies have been done and it's been found that there is a way to burn enough calories each day to bring about fat loss without spending most of your post-work hours in the gym.

We amass body fat when we have surplus calories upon hitting the sack each night. The only real way to lose weight from stored fat is to burn more calories than we get from the food we eat. Doing exercises with high calorie-burning potential makes sure we use up all the energy we get from all the unhealthy food we munch on.

Aside from the proven fat-busting benefits of cardio exercises, increasing the body's BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate by increasing muscle mass is another way of improving our body's ability to burn calories effectively. We can actually modify traditional cardio and weight training to maximize the usage of caloric energy and shorten our workout sessions significantly.

Involving the most number of muscle groups in a workout will multiply the amount of calories used up and doing core exercises that strengthen the trunk and legs is perfect for that. When the upper and lower abs, the lumbar, oblique and leg muscles are working together, such as lifting weights while trying to balance on the uneven surface of a Bosu ball, you can bet you're using-up way more energy than if you were on a flat surface.

The myriad of alternatives we have available to us to work-out the muscles of our trunk and legs all at once can also boost the fun factor of our exercise regimen. Playing tennis or basketball instead of the treadmill or aerobics every now and then is an exciting way to shorten our workout sessions while facilitating quick fat-loss. - 17268

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