Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, April 17, 2009

Flat Stomach Exercises Are Anaerobic Exercises

By Jose Loni

Flat stomach exercises are anaerobic exercises. Training the abs directly will not give you a flat stomach. In order to effectively get ripped abs, anaerobic training is the fastest way. The anaerobic system will increase your metabolism, through interval training and regular exercise.

Spot reduction is not effective at flattening your stomach. Training the abdominal muscles directly will increase the strength and help support the back, but it will not remove the fat on the stomach. To burn fat we must do overall, body fat burning to remove the visible abdominal fat to allow for the underlying abs to be seen.

Anaerobic exercises cause an oxygen debt, which is a lack of oxygen in the muscles of the body. The increased exercise activity increases the amount of carbon dioxide and lactic acid in the muscles. When the body is resting, the body is quickly trying to get oxygen into the muscles to nourish, repair and clear the waste products in the muscles. As a result, the muscle metabolic activity is increased and needs to expend more energy to function.

Exercises that involve intervals are effective in creating an oxygen debt in the muscles. The dynamic nature of interval training and how the muscles react to the demands of that training, really increase the metabolism of the muscles.

Interval exercises create oxygen debt to force the muscles to expend more energy, the result being greater metabolic activity and increased overall metabolism of the body.

The muscles utilize the calories from the food we eat and when that is fully consumed, it turns to the fat stores on our body to provide the necessary energy. This fat burning process increases the body's capacity to burn fat and keeps actively replenishing and repairing the muscles well after the exercise session has ended.

Having a regular exercise program keeps the body active in burning fat as well as efficient at providing oxygen, energy and removing waste products from the muscles. This regular training has a cumulative effect and keeps the body's metabolism high as well as strong and healthy. - 17268

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