Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, April 20, 2009

Get Flat Abs By Hitting A Higher Intensity With Your Workouts

By Jose Loni

Go hard or go home. Push yourself. Get flat abs by reaching for the sky. Emotional readiness plays a big role in developing six pack abs. When you are mentally ready to submit to the rigor of a healthy lifestyle, then and only then can you focus and stick to your plan of physically training and properly nourishing your body to reveal flat, muscular abs.

It takes tremendous effort and control to live a life of health and wellness because of the tougher choices they pose to you. Choices that may take more time out of your day and take more energy out of you. But when you have made up your mind to embrace this lifestyle, you will love it and love how it makes you feel.

A major factor in getting that plan realized is tangibility-make that plan visible in your daily planner and keep those fitness dates with yourself. Respect your health and your body will respect you back. The best way to achieve goals is by taking down notes and tracking your progress.

Next, prepare a smart program of exercises you'll be doing and proper nutrition plans. Exercise must include full body movements to work the body's largest muscles, as they tend to burn more fat because more calories are needed to let these muscles function. Some examples include brisk walking, lunges, jogging, biking, push-ups and chin-ups.

Now it's time to get creative by mixing these up into a routine. Doing 5 in a grouping continuously then resting a few minutes before doing the grouping continuously again 5 times in a row will challenge your body to its limits and increase fat burning. For example, cycle-push ups-speed walking-boxing-squats without resting in between, then after the squats, rest for 2 minutes before starting the cycle-push ups etc. again.

With the workouts taken care of, you need to give your attention to meal options and planning. The best food for your body needs some preparation as an indication of its freshness. Instead of thinking of this as a chore, try to remember that less preparation means less freshness and more preservatives. Fast food is convenient but loaded with fat and chemicals that preserve them. Choose leans and greens instead and finish off with fun fruit options.

Family and friends' support and encouragement go a long way towards your successful abs reveal. There's nothing like people who care for your well being helping you stay on track especially when you start getting lazy or losing motivation. Their prodding can spur you into action.

Having flat abs is certainly desirable but there is no easy way to get flat abs. You can only get flat abs by working harder and that means coming from all possible angles to make sure you can achieve what you desire. Keep at it-you may just get those gorgeous abs sooner than you think. - 17268

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