Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Quick Abs - What You Eat and What You Do

By Jose Loni

We hear of all these ab exercises, fad diets and machines that promise you great abs. To get quick abs, just focus on diet plus exercise. By having a balance between what we eat and regular exercise, we can get quick results.

Diet plus exercise are the keys to getting quick abs. By controlling what we eat, we ensure that our body will not store any more fat. Then by increasing our exercise activity to affect our metabolism, the body will burn more body fat and make the abs more visible.

The food we choose to consume contributes to the quality of fuel our body burns. Eating lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and fibrous foods allow our body to burn energy more efficiently, whereas, sugary, fatty foods overload our systems. As a result, not all the calories are burnt off and now remain in our body as fat.

Having small, frequent meals in a day helps control caloric intake and keeps us from feeling fatigued. Digesting these meals also uses up more energy so there are more chances to use up excess body fat.

When we work out regularly, our body's metabolism starts increasing and begins to use up more stored calories during the workout period as well hours after the session. This means the body is now more efficient at burning fat.

Workouts that involve almost the whole body like lunges, pushups, squats and chin ups are the best ones to do because they use up more energy when executed properly as compared to just doing leg lifts or bicep curls.

High intensity exercises using intervals or weights makes the body work harder because the muscles have to function even with lower oxygen content. The body now has to continually use up energy to restock with oxygen, repair and remove waste from the muscles leading to greater body fat loss.

What you eat and what you do are major factors to getting great abs quickly. A balanced diet but no physical activity will not let you burn fat and reveal those abs. The reverse is true as well. The key is to balance these 2 factors out. Only then can you get flat abs quickly. - 17268

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