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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pizza -Are Your Choices Run of The Mill or Exotic?

By Claudia Venanzetti

If you are like me you can stare at your pizza coupons stuck to your refrigerator door for seemingly hours, not being able to choose the pizza you want? That would be especially true if you are very hungry and you want one of each, or if you have children.

Having a group of people deciding, especially when they are kids involved makes it exponentially harder. Sometimes more is not merrier at all.

In your house you probably have some definite favorites as far as toppings go. Did you ever wonder how average, or shall we say normal your family is when it comes to pizza toppings? What are the favorite pizza toppings ion the US? Well, the gold metal comes as no surprise...

It's the old standby, pepperoni. Something like 25% of all pizzas sold in the United States are pepperoni and cheese pizzas. Sausage is in second place, which again should be no surprise to most people. And you can probably guess number three, too. That's right, it's mushrooms. And about 70% of pizza places use canned mushrooms, not fresh ones. Most people ordering pizza seem to prefer the canned, although fresh mushrooms are gaining in popularity.

After that come the veggies (assuming you don't count mushrooms as a vegetable.) Onion is a popular choice for a lot of people, coming in number four on the list. Olives are number five, with black olives being more popular than green olives by about two to one.

After these top five pizza toppings, it's pretty much a tie for the bottom half of the top ten. Ham, bacon, peppers, hamburger, and tomatoes round out the list. Just for fun, make a note of this list, and the next time you whip out your pizza coupons to order for the whole family, see how your family's topping choices fit in. - 17268

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