Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Muscle building and the importance of the recordkeeping

By Jon Cardozo

On the road to building huge amounts of muscle (or even moderate amounts of muscle for that matter), the two critical factors are obviously progressive resistance and a proper weight gain diet.

You have probably heard this many times before, yet it may not be so simple. How exactly are you supposed to know if your program is working out or not? So many people don't take the time to satisfy a basic requirement of weightlifting and just about any other goals you want to achieve. If you want to succeed, you'll need to begin to write things down, including how much you're lifting and what you're eating every single day.

It's a simple procedure that can go a long way towards improving your muscle building program. It's really not that difficult once you get used to it. You simply have to discipline yourself to take a few extra moments and write down a few things. Start with how many calories you're eating, how many grams of protein you're eating, and what kind of exercises you're performing.

If you have doubts about your current meal plan, you can simply look at your records and see if you've been eating enough calories or protein. Likewise, you can measure your progress in the gym and decide if you're truly headed the right direction. If your progress halts or slows down (that is you're no longer building muscle), the problem is either with your training or with your meals.

You can make adjustments as necessary, such as increasing your calories or reducing your fat intake. You can lift heavier weights or increase the repetitions all based on the records that you're keeping.

As for weightlifting exercises, your record keeping is just as important here. Your goal should be to gradually lift more weight from week to week, and you'll easily be able to see if you've met this requirement by writing things down.

It really is necessary to write things down because you're simply not going to remember later on. Having this set of records will help you change things as necessary.

Simply put, record keeping is an essential part of a comprehensive muscle building program. - 17268

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