Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wu Yi Pixie Pack Energy Drink Review

By Collin De Ruyck

The appetite suppressant in Wu Yi Pixie Pack works perfectly. I drink my Wu Yi in the mid after noon everyday because that is when I start getting the munchies and my Fiance drinks it while she is working out at the gym. Before she started drinking Wu Yi Pixie pack, she told me she was always starving when she left the gym, now shes not!

When my Fiance and I started drinking Wu Yi Pixie Pack we both noticed and increase in our energy levels. For myself, my routine of taking an afternoon nap was removed due to my increased energy levels. That was a good thing for me to experience because I use to not be able to get to sleep until real late because of those stupid naps.

The convenience of the little pixie packs.

Each packet containing the Wu Yi Pixies are packaged perfectly so you can just add the mixture into a bottle of water. Transportation is simple and easy with no bulky containers. The actual packs them selves which hold the Wu Yi and very slim and fits into almost anything you can think of.

Not only does Wu Yi Pixie Pack taste like fruit punch, but the fact it is so easy to take anywhere is also a big plus for me. I have even taken some to my family dinner night at my Dad's house because I didn't feel like drinking what was offered. I ended up drinking coffee after everyone that was there tried and loved the Wu Yi Pixie pack. Keep hat in mind if you want people to try it. Bring extra's just encase they become pigs and drink your whole bottle.

Hardly any calories at all!

Another thing we both noticed and loved about Wu Yi Pixie Pack was that fact there is hardly any calories per severing. There is only 7 to be exact so if you are on a calorie wise diet where you can not consume more then 2000 calories a day, drinking Wu Yi Pixie Pack fits perfectly into that diet. - 17268

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