Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Free Online Ab Workouts - Why You Tube May Not Be The Best Answer

By Jose Loni

Information is the key, when it comes to free online ab workouts. You Tube and paid programming are great but you have to know some basic principles to see if the exercises shown or the product being sold will work. You have to know that spot reducing does not work and that dieting and exercising to increase your metabolism will help your body burn fat.

Free videos are great visual guidelines that help us see what is being done and how it's being done. However, you need to be aware that the exercises are being done properly and that the exercises will not hurt you. It is also important to determine whether or not the person instructing you is knowledgeable and if the exercises will work for you.

Paid videos basically sell you a product. The consumer must be very aware if the exercises and content of the video is valid or whether or not it is safe. Not all paid videos offer valid training. Some are just trying to sell their ineffective product by showing beautiful, fit and healthy models and linking them to the product.

Spot reducing does not work. We see ab machines that press on our abs or rock our body in a crunch position-these types of products train abs directly to try to get rid of the fat but are ineffective.

In addition, tons of ab machines are out there claiming their use resulted in beautifully sculpted abs. But we need to be aware that isolated exercises and spot reduction do not work to burn fat.

By spacing out our meals throughout the day and eating smaller portion meals, our body will be better able to maintain our energy level and burn calories easier. When the body needs more calories, it will start to burn the excess body fat to fuel the body's physical activities.

Full body cardio workouts are wonderful for sustained fat burning. When the body is training in high gear, more energy is expended to support that training. The body is constantly challenged to perform so fat is easily used up to fuel both external (exercise) and internal (clearing, nourishing and repairing) activities.

Whether its You Tube or Paid Programming, you have to do your research. You have to know what will work and what won't. Use the basic principles: spot reducing doesn't work; diet and exercise to increase the body's metabolism will help burn fat. If you find an exercise or a product that support those principles, then you will see results, which are ripped abs! - 17268

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